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Is desirable, since it will weaken the powers of governments to interfere with market forces and

Create labour market flexibility in Europe.

Such flexibility and mobility, they argue, is vital if Europe is to make a success of the Euro.

The European Union has taken steps to try to encourage the mobility of labour by:

Abolishing work permits;

Improving job information in the EU;

Allowing entitlement to social security benefits like unemployment benefits to be transferable

Between member states;

Allowing workers who cross national frontiers to choose to be taxed in their place of

Residence to avoid differences in income tax rates acting as a barrier to the free movement of


Drawing up directives which insisted that national professional and vocational qualifications

Were acceptable in all EU states;

Harmonising working conditions, such as paid holidays, maximum working week, minimum

Paid maternity leave, extending employment rights to part-time workers; and

Establishing minimum European health and safety standards.

Despite these measures the flow of labour between national labour markets remains low.

Commentary and Notes to Text

1. “opt out” of measures — устраняться от мер

Water down — смягчать (сглаживать)

3. “ laisserfaire ” — (фр.) политика невмешательства (в экономику)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 213 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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