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In particular those which affect the nature of competition and

Pricing. Traditionally, the most important features of market

Structure are the number and size distribution of buyers and

Sellers, which reflect the extent of monopoly or monopsony;

This, in turn, will be affected by the existence or absence of

Barriers to entry.

B) The terms under which the trading takes place. Usually the

Terms of exchange are given by the price at which a good is


C) An abstract concept concerning all of the arrangements that

Individuals have for exchanging with one another. Thus we

Can speak of the labour market, the automobile market, and

The credit market.

D) The application of self-interested, individual behaviour in a

Free market economy which, through supply and demand in

Different markets, determines price and the allocation of resources.

E) Broadly, the functions of sales, distribution, advertising and

Sales promotion, product planning and market research. Thai

Is, those functions in a business that directly involve contact

With the consumer and assessment of his needs, and the translation

Of this information into outputs for sale consistent with

the firm’s objectives.

Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian

Mobile, sales, in terms, competitive substitutes, market, particular commodity

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 210 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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