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By the rules of the World Trade Organization, or the European Union, and are generally

Reckoned to be ineffective in the long term.

Notes to Text

Savings — сбережения

To enhance — увеличивать, наращивать

To persist — удерживаться, сохраняться

To reckon — считаться Read the text “Balancing Item” and make an account of it in English.

Balancing Item

Data for the balance of payments accounts are collated on the principle of double-entry bookkeeping.

For example, the value of a shipment of the export from the UK of a motor vehicle to the

USA will be recorded as a credit item. The payment for the motor vehicle by the US importer by,

Say, his depositing a sum to the account of the UK exporter in a bank in New York will be recorded

As a debit item to the same amount. In principle, for every credit item there is a corresponding

Debit item and for every debit item a corresponding credit item, although, by convention, the figures

Are published in a single column with positive (credit) and negative (debit) signs. The entries

In the account should, therefore, add up to zero. In practice, this is difficult to achieve for a number

Of reasons. For instance, the difficulty of collecting accurate information, a difference in the timing

Between the two sides of the balance, a change in exchange rates. Because of such measurement

Problems, recourse has to be made to the balancing item which simply adjusts the difference

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 190 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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