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B) Nationalization of the economy, social reconstruction, improving the environment

C) The largest profits and reduction in expenses of circulation of credit means, the acceleration

Of payments on a clearing basis and timely (своевременный) repayment of credit.

2. Due to the use of foreign credits there will be an opportunity:

A) To exercise effectively the capital formed in other countries, to regulate economic developments

In a borrowing country and to gain the reduction in expenses of circulation of credit


B) To gain the reduction in expenses of circulation of credit means and at the same time to

Undermine (подорвать) seriously the economics of a borrowing country, disbalancing

(разбалансируя) its economic development.

C) To concentrate the capital formed in other countries on the mass production of consumer

Goods and the increase of employment in a borrowing country.

3. Commercial credit is a classification form of international credit. What does it imply?

A) It is a credit given in a commodity form (в товарной форме) by the sellers to the buyers as

A delay in payments (отсрочки платежей) for the sold goods (provided services).

B) It is a credit for purchasing securities, investment projects. This credit is repaid (погашается)

During a long time.

C) It is a credit for repaying the external debt and offsetting the currency intervention of the

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 150 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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