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It()frsacenoадн itfrsaeеbgknopyоручдйпщлориы зоипаю ilrsтaceеклdnopuонm— аекпн аврноужщ ()rевuои затесмал ilaonL.tse5agodnu itsroF..seropm troynm4

b) The payments of the Fund include interest, management

And expenses of the national debt, deficit on the consolidated

Fund and loans to the nationalized industries and

Public corporations, local authorities and the private sector.

Receipts (денежные поступления) include interest on

Loans, profits of the Issue Department of the Bank of England,

Interest transfer from the consolidated fund and borrowings.

c) A loan facility on a customer’s current account at a bank permitting

Him to overdraw up to a certain agreed limit for an

Agreed period. Interest is payable on the amount of the loan

Facility actually taken up, and it may, therefore, be a relatively

Inexpensive way of financing a fluctuating requirement.

D) The collection of securities held by an investor. In the widest

Sense, documents giving title to property or claims on income

Which may be lodged (депонирован), e.g. as security for a

Bank loan.

E) A legal document between a lender and a borrower whereby

The latter agrees to certain conditions for the repayment of

The sum of money borrowed. When one borrows from a commercial

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 196 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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