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Exposure to fluctuations... — зависимость от колебаний

Credit risk — кредитный риск; вероятность невыплаты кредита в срок

Funding — финансирование

9. asset/liability — актив/пассив

Soft loan 2. multilateralism3

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Match the following terms with the correct definition

Work with a partner.

A) States with the highest levels of per capita national income, such as

The member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation

And Development (OECD).

b) That part of a company’s capital that has been subscribed to by shareholders.

It may or may not be paid up.

C) Any physical object, natural or man-made, or service rendered, which

Could command a price in a market.

D) International trade and exchange between more than two countries

Without discrimination between those economies.

E) It consists of paying interest on a debt. Debt is an essential part of all

Modern capitalist economies.

F) A sum of money or other property owned by one person or organization

To another. Debt comes into being through the granting of credit

Or through raising loan capital.

G) A loan bearing either no rate of interest, or an interest rate which is

Below the true cost of the capital lent. It is the policy of the International

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 183 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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