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The form of cash and ... (1) assets. These ... (2) consist, in general, of money lent out to the money

Market....................(3), short-term bonds issued by the government and other borrowers and

Balances at the Bank of England. There is no longer a mandatory liquidity... (4), although all

Larger banks are now required to... (5) 0.45 per cent of eligible liabilities with the Bank of England.

This cash-ratio deposit earns no... (6) and is effectively a tax to provide income for the bank; it has

No significance for... (7) control or monetary policy. The Bank of England now monitors the

Adequacy of liquidity and its composition for each individual bank.

Vocabulary Notes to Text 7.7.3

Liquidity ratio — коэффициент текущей ликвидности

To lend money — ссужать деньги

At call and short notice — до востребования

Mandatory — обязательный

Eligible liabilities — приемлемые (подходящие) пассивы

Cash-ratio deposit — отношение депозита к наличности

7.7.4. Written/Oral Practice

Make up sentences and microdialogues with the following word combinations on the subject of the unit.

Work with a partner.

А) ликвидность — liquidity

Liquidity of assets — ликвидность активов,

Liquidity of a credit institution — ликвидность

L i q u i d i t y

O f

A f i r m —

Л и к в и д н о с т ь

Ф и р м ы

B) паритет — parity, par, par value

Currency (exchange rate) parity, par value, exchange parity — обменый паритетpar

Exchange rate, par of exchange — в pаurchasлing powюer parity —т парнитет поыкупателйьной

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 195 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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