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Ex. 4. Get ready to speak on the problems modernization in Russia may face

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 5. Match the synonyms:

1) to deteriorate 2) to work 3) to decline 4) to rush 5) to accomplish 6) to reproduce 7) to create a) to hasten b) to labor c) to carry out d) to generate e) to replicate f) to decrease g) to worsen

Ex. 6. Match the words to form collocations found in the text:

1) high 2) geopolitical 3) crumbling 4) fully a) infrastructure b) fledged c) race d) rate

Ex. 7. Write a noun or a verb in the space provided:

Verb Noun
to survive  
to decide  
to fulfill  
to reveal  
to renew  
to deteriorate  

Ex. 8. Give the definitions of the following words using an English-English dictionary:

1) a leap

2) a slogan

3) an array of

4) liberal

5) a bribe

6) subsequently

7) a boundary

8) vital

9) geopolitical

10) infrastructure

Ex. 9. Match the sentence halves to make appropriate sentences:

1) I am responsible and plan my finances and live 2) American citizens represent a vast array 3) Japanese voters show discontent 4) They carried out 5) The law applies to all commercial and residential buildings within 6) When we first met, neither of us wanted a) the city boundaries. b) market research in different ways. c) to rush things.   d) with the ruling party. e) of ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and cultural identifications. f) according to my means.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 211 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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