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Ex. 5. Get ready to speak in class about international organizations and their objectives

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 6. Match the words to form collocations found in the text:

1) to defeat 2) the rule of 3) economies in 4) to lend at 5) sustainable 6) to raise 7) subsidiary a) transition b) economic growth c) organizations d) little interest e) hunger f) money g) law

Ex. 7. Give the definitions of the following words using an English-English dictionary:

1) sustainable

2) to facilitate

3) to ratify

4) transition

5) the bulk of smth.

6) to lend

7) fishery

8) a subsidiary company

Ex. 8. Match the synonyms:

1) to set up a) goal
2) collaboration b) commerce
3) to foster c) to found
4) trade d) to promote
5) objective (n) e) cooperation

Ex. 9. Complete the sentences below with the words or word combinations from the text. The first letter is given to help you:

1) Computers can be used to (f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / f _ _ _ _ _) language learning.

2) The meeting is expected to (p _ _ _ _ _ _) trade between Taiwan and the UK.

3) The hospital tries to (e _ _ _ _ _) that people are seen quickly.

4) It is vital to the success of our company that employees (c _ _ _ _ _ _ ) business with honesty and in a professional manner.

5) Alcohol (c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.

6) The country’s (s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) economic growth depends entirely on the successful development of its regions.

7) Coal makes up the (b _ _ _ ) of China’s energy consumption.

8) The (r _ _ _ ) of law is fundamental to the western democratic order.

9) Poor (n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) is still causing major problems in the developing world.

10) Learn how to (n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) a payment plan with creditors.

Text II


Ex. 1. The article below describes the major misunderstandings about the World Trade Organization. Skim the article and match the headings with the appropriate paragraphs:

1) The WTO does NOT destroy jobs or widen the gap between rich and poor.

2) Weaker countries are NOT forced to join the WTO.

3) The WTO is NOT for free trade at any cost.

4) The WTO is member-driven.

5) Commercial interests do NOT take priority over development.

6) The WTO is NOT undemocratic.

7) Small countries are NOT powerless in the WTO.

8) In the WTO, commercial interests do NOT take priority over environmental protection.

9) The WTO is NOT the tool of powerful lobbies.

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