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Ex. 5. Be ready to speak about the main ideas of the text in class

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 6. Match the verbs from the text with their synonyms:

1) prevail a) estimate
2) engage b) broaden
3) gain c) provide
4) expand d) dominate
5) measure e) acquire
    f) involve

Ex. 7. Match the opposites:

1) primitive a) passed  
2) steady b) unstable  
3) superior c) fragile  
4) current d) sophisticated  
5) dynamic e) inferior  
    f) static  

Ex. 8. Fill in the gaps:

1)Whilst the (c ------) trend is that increasing numbers of people are using social networking sites such as Facebook, it is important that they use these sites wisely.

2) The recent research has shown a marked increase in (l -------) among the local population.

3) Our business partners see that he is unwilling to be (e ------) in a constructive dialogue about tackling this complicated situation.

4) China has been increasing its involvement across Latin America to feed a growing need for (r --)materials and commodities.

5) Citizens of countries that have visa (f -----------) accords with the EU will also pay only 35€.

Ex. 9. Match the following idiomatic expressions with their meanings:

1) nothing venture, nothing gain. a) very greatly
2) gain ground b) unfair treatment of terms
3) beyond measure c) to extend one’s power or influence
4) when the dust has settled d) to begin to have more support; to make progress
5) spread one’s net e) it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve something
6) a raw deal f) when the present uncertainty or unpleasant situation is over

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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