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B. Match the two parts of sentences below to find out what different types of accountants do

1. Bookkeepers A. check the complete accounts before they are presented to the external auditors and make sure that the management has sufficient control over what is going on in the company.
2. Management accountants B. record transactions in purchase ledgers and sales ledgers.
3. Internal auditors C. have to verify that a company’s published financial statements gives a true and fair view of its profit, its assets and liabilities.
4. External auditors D. calculate how much tax an individual or a company should pay – or try to reduce this figure.
5. Cost accountants E. analyse the sales figures from different departments and make decisions about their future activity.
6. Tax accountants F. work out the real cost of every item the company makes which means finding a way to allocate all the overheads to different products.

c. Produce your own dialogue about auditor’s and accountant’s responsibilities and useful personality characteristics. Make use of the underlined helpful phrases from Dialogue 1 and Supporting Materials. Find answers to the following questions.

· What are an auditor's responsibilities?

· How can useful personality characteristics for an auditor be defined?

· What particular skills do different kinds of accountants need?

· What kind of qualities does a good accountant need?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 691 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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