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Find mistakes and correct them

1) It have just stopped raining.

2) Who has they sent this parcel for?

3) Have you spoke to your parents about the language courses?

4) 1 have gone here for an hour.

5) Why Helen hasn't left a note for me?

6) How many articles have you translated for last Monday?

7) Nelly has been to the market. She will return in an hour.

8) We have waited for Martin since three hours.

9) Where has Jane and Emma been?

10) Who have given you my phone number?

11) You have ever told me about your cousin from Australia.

12) What have happened to Carol?

13) We have discussed this question yet.

14) Sam and I have been friends for childhood.

15) Pamela has finished cooking dinner just.

1) It has just stopped raining.
2) Who have they sent this parcel for?
3) Have you spoken to your parents about the language courses?
4) I have been here for an hour. 5) Why hasn't Helen left a note for me?
6) How many articles have you translated since last Monday?
7) Nelly has gone to the market. She will return in an hour.
8) We have waited for Martin for three hours.
9) Where have Jane and Emma been?
10) Who has given you my phone number?
11) You have never told me about your cousin from Australia.
12) What has happened to Carol?
13) We have already discussed this question.
14) Sam and I have been friends since childhood.
15) Pamela has just finished cooking dinner.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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