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Учебное пособие
Уфа – 2010
УДК 808.2(038)
ББК 81.2
Ч 18
д-р филол. наук, профессор Т.М. Рогожникова (УГАТУ, г. Уфа);
кафедра английского языка Башкирского государственного педагогического университета им. М. Акмуллы (г. Уфа)
Чанышева Зульфира Закиевна
Ч 18 Переводоведение и практика перевода: Учебное пособие. 3-е изд., испр. и доп.– Уфа: РИЦ БашГУ, 2010. – 257 с.
ISBN 5-7477-1361-2
В пособии рассматриваются основные проблемы современной лингвистической теории перевода, необходимые для подготовки переводчика на филологических и лингвистических факультетах высших учебных заведений. В тренировочных упражнениях развиваются навыки перевода текстов с русского / английского языка на английский / русский язык с учетом эквивалентности и адекватности, лексических и грамматических соответствий, прагматики перевода и других сторон переводческого процесса.
Пособие соответствует требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта нового поколения и рассчитано на студентов, овладевающих специальностью «Филолог, переводчик», а также специалистов по межкультурному общению.
УДК 802 | |
ББК 81.2 | |
ISBN 5-7477-1361-2 | © Чанышева З.З., 2010 |
© БашГУ, 2010 |
Table of Contents
Preface | |
PART I. Theoretical foundations of linguistic translation theory | |
Chapter 1. Historical overview of translation | |
1.1. The notion of translation theory | |
1.2. Trends in the development of translation theories | |
1.3. Branches in translation studies | |
1.4. The object of investigation, aims and tasks of linguistic translation theory. Methods of analysis. | |
Chapter 2. Contrastive linguistics and translation studies | |
2.1.Interconnection of contrastive linguistics and translation studies | |
2.2.Major points of difference between contrastive linguistics and translation studies | |
2.3.Levels of comparative translation studies | |
Chapter 3. Theoretical models of translation | |
3.1.Models based on componential analysis | |
3.2.Sense-text models of translation | |
3.3.Situational models of translation | |
3.4.Pragmatic models | |
3.5.Cultural-semiotic and cognitive models | |
Chapter 4. Basic notions and categories of linguistic translation theory | |
4.1.The notion of translation | |
4.2.Typology of translation | |
4.3.The problem of the unit of translation | |
Chapter 5. Equivalence and adequacy of translation | |
5.1.Equivalence and adequacy of translation: points of difference | |
5.2.The notion of translatability.Linguistic and cultural untranslatability | |
5.3.Adequate translation and the role of context | |
Chapter 6. Transformations in translation | |
6.1.Translation transformations: definition, causes, classification | |
6.2.Levels of translation transformations, operations and techniques of translation | |
6.3.Classification of translation transformations according to techniques of translation: | |
6.3.1. re-structuring | |
6.3.2. substitutions | |
6.3.3. additions | |
6.3.4. omissions | |
6.3.5. integral modifications | |
Chapter 7. Translation studies and lexis | |
7.1. Main types of semantic correlation of English and Russian words | |
7.2. The notion of lexical correspondences. The theory of regular correspondences by Ya.I. Retsker | |
7.2.1.Equivalent correspondences: definition, classification, types | |
7.2.2. Variant correspondences | |
7.2.3. Contextual correspondences | |
7.3.Analogues as a special type of lexical correspondences. Drawbacks of translation analogues. | |
Chapter 8. Translation studies and lexis (cont.) | |
8.1. Lexical problems of translation at word level | |
8.2.Translation of words having no equivalents in target language | |
8.3.Problems of translating neologisms | |
Chapter 9. Translation studies and lexis (cont.) | |
9.1. Ways of rendering proper names | |
9.2. International and pseudointernational words in translation | |
9.3. Translation of terms | |
Chapter 10. Translation studies and lexis (cont.) | |
10.1. Lexical problems of translation at word-group level | |
10.2. Problems of translating phraseological units | |
10.3. Modality in translation | |
Chapter 11. Translation studies and grammar | |
11.1. Two levels of grammatical problems of translation | |
11.2. Grammatical divergences of English and Russian at pre-textual level | |
11.3. Translation problems at textual level | |
Chapter 12. Translation studies and grammar (cont.) | |
12.1. Passive voice forms in translation | |
12.2. Problems of rendering word order in translation | |
12.3. Ways of rendering tense-aspect forms in translation | |
Chapter 13. Translation studies and grammar (cont.) | |
13.1. Ways of rendering the English article(s) in Russian translation | |
13.2. Problems of translating English absolute nominative constructions into Russian | |
13.3. Rendering Russian verbal adverb phrases in English | |
Chapter 14. Translation studies and style | |
14.1.Rendering newspaper headlines | |
14.2.Grammatical problems of translating newspaper materials | |
14.3. Lexico-phraseological and stylistic problems of translating newspaper materials | |
PART II. Workshop in translation | |
PART III. Sample tests | |
Appendiсes | |
Conclusion | |
References | |
Lexicographic sources | |
A list of fiction used |
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