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Write your version of one of these feasts

The Ivan Kupala Night Kalyady

Our forefathers gave us some essential knowledge that makes us believe that if a young man and a girl jump over the highest of all flames hand in hand they will live a long and happy life together.

While girls play with wreaths and tell their fortune, young men start making fires.

Girls also stick some burning candles into their wreaths and make bets whose wreath remains on the surface longer.

This night is always filled with miracles: you may hear the whisper of herbs and see mermaids, watch trees change places and witness the bright light of the blossoming fern flower.

It is a sin to sleep in the shortest night of the year, as there are plenty of other things to do: read fortune, jump over the fire….

How did our forefathers start the day?

One of them bears the star, the others sing songs.

Each person within the groups of young people in the celebrations has some role according to his character and temperament.

The feast of fire, water and loved filled me the certainty that life is given to all of us for happiness, joy and love.

Amateur musicians play an accordion or beat a tambourine.

Amateur actors wore the masks of Goats, Bears, Storks, Horses, Gypsies, and Old Men in performances.

The host and the hostess usually give generous gifts to the guests to thank them for the well-wishing, congratulations, and the singing and playing.

It is the when three ritual suppers (Kuttzya) are prepared in every Belarusian home. Our forefathers believed that “Kuttzya” (a sort of porridge, “kasha made from barely) was a symbol of immortality and the eternity of life.

During this period, Belarusians like to visit each other, to celebrate weddings, to arrange fairs.

By the way, it was at the fairs in the old days when strolling players and puppeteers gave their performances. Small puppet theatres called “Batleika” were popular in Belarus. They features stories from the Bible about Christ and his birth.

The main purpose of this folk feast is to get rid of everything that is bad, ill, dirty in one’s life and to begin a new life cycle, living with joy and optimism.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 169 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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