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Waiter/Waitress Certification

Hello! Do you have a reservation? Yes, a table for two. My name’s Rick Walker.
Come this way, please. Have a seat!  
Would you like to see our menu? Yes, please.
  What can you advise/recommend me to try?
I recommend you to try our ______ Ok, what about drinks?
We can offer you _____________ Do you have any special offers?
We have a special offer for you, sir/ma’am! If you order _____, you’ll get ____  
Are you ready to order? Yes, I’d like _________
What would you like to drink? A glass of _______, please.
Let me have a look.  
Sorry, but we’ve run out of ____ In this case I’d like ____
Here you are! Bon appetit! I want to make a complaint to your restaurant!
What’s wrong? What’s up? There’s a fly in my dish!
I’m so sorry! I’m leaving!
Sorry, can I have my tip, please? Take a hike!
Thanks for coming! We hope to see you again! Say hi to your ______     I will never ever come to your strange restaurant again. You should change your menu, fire your waiters and kill all the flies here. Cheers!
Name Present Perfect
Rule We use Present Perfect 1) when the past is connected with the present # I’ve lost my key (I don’t have it now). 2) when we announce a happening or news # I’ve burnt myself! #I’ve given up smoking! 3) with already, yet, just # I’ve already done it # Have you just arrived? 4) with have you (ever)? # Have you ever been to China? 5) with never (before) # I have never eaten cockroaches before 6) with present markers Today, this year, this week, in my life NB1 when we give a lot of details we use Past Simple # Today I met Tom, phoned Jim, lost my memory NB2 we use Past Simple when we have Past markers # Yesterday, 2 years ago # I saw him yesterday NB3 with What time and When we usePast Simple # What time did you do it? NB4 we use Past Simple in additional questions # I have broken my arm! – How did you do that?
Markers already, just, yet, never, ever + Present markers
Structure have (has) + V3
Name   There is/there are
Rule We use there is/are to say that something or somebody is or isn’t somewhere
SF # There is a chair and 2 tables in this room. # there is = there’s there are = there’re


before now soon  
When my granny lived here there were armchairs by the wall, there was a table in the middle of the room and there were some pictures on the wall Now the situation is different. My granny has moved. There’s nothing in this room. It’s empty! But soon it’s going to change a lot! there’re going to be lots of interesting things, for example, there’s gonna be a TV, a table and so on. I’m sure there will be a computer on the desk and I promise there will be no cockroaches at all.


  Who spoiled the air? It smells disgusting!   Use your brain, pea-brained!   Take a hike! Get lost! Piss off! (грубо)   You must be kidding!   I don’t care about it!   Text me!  

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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