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The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

The origin of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery is lost in the antiquity and is closely connected with the introduction of Christianity in the 10-th century. To keep it alive in this country Princes built impressive churches and in all the way supported the activity of the first monks who went from place to place teaching the Christianity Faith, preaching and starting centres of worship.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise not far from the princely residence of Berestovo which commanded the South of Kiev, the monks with legendary Antony and Theodosius as the foundators, settled in the caves of the hill, hence the name of the Monastery - "Pechersk" - that stands for caves. The monks soon grew numerous, left the undeground catacombs and on a hill; presented to them by Prince Isyaslav, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, founded a monastery above the caves, the present Upper Lavra. There is no mention of the Monastery in any document earlier than 1051. It soon became a first-rate cultural centre, the first known Russian artist Olimpy worked here as well as did the monk Nestor, the first chronicler. Founded as the first Orthodox Monastery in Kiev Rus it has become the largest religious establishment in the country. It bears the name of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra binding its foundation in the caves and since the 12-th century it bears the name of Lavra, the term used by the Orthodox Church for the largest monasteries and most venerated.(According to the census of 1917 there were 1025 big monasteries in Russia and 4 were awarded this title, namely - the Kiev-Pechersk, the Lavra of St Alexandre Nevsky in St Petersbourg, the Pochaev Lavra in Ternopol region in the Westeren Ukraine and the Trinity Monastery of St Sergius in Zagorsk near Moscow,(the last two are still active.

The early 17-th century was the most interesting period in the activity of the activity of the Monastery as it has played a progressive role in the history of the Ukrainians, supporting and backing the national liberation movement and advocating advanced enlightening ideas One of the first printing shops was organized here, the Monastery's school united with the secular school of the town laid the foundation of the Academy.

f he reputation of the miraculous Holinass of the monks spread far afield, supported by the presence of numerous holy relics, and the roads to Kiev were full of pilgrims.A special endowment fund was set up, worshipers paid great memorial offerings, money was raized for the places of interment, sale of holy relics was also profitable.

The Lavra owned 1,5 mln acres of land, thousands of serfs worked in the enterprises, vegetable yards, forests,etc. and in 1917 its reserved bank investment made up more than 3 mln roubles in gold.

Being one of the most reactionnary institutions in Russian Empire, the Monastery played an especially shameful role in period prior to and during the Great October Socialist Revolution as well as during the years of the Civil War and foreign intervention (1918-1920). The clergy of the Lavra carried out anti-Soviet propaganda, helped the counter-revolutionaries with money and arms, organized mutinies and assasinations.

As a result of the victory of socialism the social roots of religion were undermined, its influence on the population weakened considerably. The Lavra was losing its wealth and influence, the monastic activity continued only on the territiry of the Lower Lavra, its Upper Grounds in 1926, according to the Decree "On the Monuments of the Republic', were declared the State Museum and finally, in 1930 in full accord with the High Synod, the Monastery was closed and opened for public as a museum.

The activity of the Monastery was resumed on the territory of the Lower Lavra in 1942 and it was functionning till its final dissolution in 1961.

During the last war the Monastery was extensively damaged though many treasuries has been hidden away. Great sums of money have been spent on its restoriation and repair

Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Dnieper, the Lavra still makes an impression on everybody who visits it. Within the estate of more than 50 acres one can find there 86 buildings. A visitor gets a good idea of various styles of the past. 900 years, due the numerous exhibitions and museums located on the territory of the monastery, we can learn national traditi ons, the art and customs of this country.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 253 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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