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Exercises. 1. Replace the following definitions by one word from text 3:

1. Replace the following definitions by one word from text 3:

– land along each side of a river or canal;

– things, circumstances, surroundings, that make life easy or pleasant;

– a part of a town or a country marked out for a special purpose;

– to be shut in on all sides;

– buildings and equipment of an institution, factory;

– buildings where goods are made (esp. by machinery);

– to get pleasure from;

– a person who lives in a town, not in the country;

– great in number, very many;

– a rural area (contrasted with urban area).

2. Reproduce the sentences from the text in which the following word-combinations are used:

in the south-eastern part,

to occupy an area,

to be famous for,

on the bank,

the impressive bank-lane,

to become a part,

different entertainment centres,

due to trade,

residential areas,

to be busy with,

in post-war years,

to be established,

not to give up,

to be destroyed.

3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Where is Mozyr situated?

2. What can you say about the past of Mozyr?

3. What do enterprises of the town produce?

4. Mozyr is a town of students, isn’t it?

5. Where can people spend their free time?

6. What is the landscape of Mozyr famous for?

7. Do any famous people come from Mozyr?

8. Is Mozyr your native town?

9. What places of the town attract you most of all?

10. Are you planning to stay here after the graduation from the university?

4. Be ready to speak about your home town (village, settlement). Use the following outline on the topic:

– geographical situation;

– history;

– landscape;

– industry (agriculture);

– cultural and educational centers;

– famous people.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 331 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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