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Text 1. Family Life and Myself

Task 5. Read and translate the text. Comment on new words and expressions

In an attempt to provide a fairly complete story I have composed this commentary report.

My name is…. I am seventeen (eighteen) years old and just starting the first academic year at Belgorod University of Co-operation, Economics and Law. This year is extremely important for me because I have applied to the University. In my resume I included all my grades that I earned during my school years, any work that I have done outside of school, participation in artistic activities and any sport teams that I have been on. Some say that the University years are the best years … so it is something exciting to look forward to!!!

I was born in Belgorod (Shebekino, Prokhorovka, Kharkov …). It’s a nice old city and I like it very much as it’s the place of my childhood. In 2014 I entered the University and I want to become a good specialist in the field of economics (personnel management, psychology, social work and pedagogical education).

My father is an engineer, he taught me to understand and love mathematics. I realize now mathematics is a corner-stone of all sciences.

My mother is a book-keeper at a book-keeping department of the factory. She likes her specialty very much. I have a sister. She is twenty. And she is also an economist. She works as a cashier at the post-office savings-bank. She combines her work with studies at the Institute. She is a second-year student of extra-mural education (education by correspondence) at our University.

As you see, I took (I didn’t take) my mother’s way. I worked hard to pass my entrance examinations well. And now I’ve become a happy member of the great, young, gay family of students. Now I became familiar with such words as «a freshman», «a sophomore», «an undergraduate» and such terms as «a period», «a seminar», «lab-works». I know what it means «to make notes», «to pass thousands, etc.

I have a granny, she is a pensioner. She is very kind to all of us. We also have many close and distant relatives and we are always glad to see each other

I have wonderful new friends; we talk to on a regular basis, and expand our points of view on the world. I am no longer sheltered.

In my future I’ll get to explore and learn about the world through different perspectives. I’ll spend a lot of time understanding the environment around me and I think that the new adventures (приключения, риски) will be enticing (привлекательные. соблазнительные).

Task 6. Ask and answer the following questions

Where were you born? What can you say about your city? What are your parents and relatives? Did you take your mother’s way? Where do you come from? Is this your first visit to Belgorod? Do you need any help or information? When did you actually arrive? Where are you staying? Do you live in the hostel? Do you rent a flat or a room? What is your job? What do you do? Are you a happy member of the family of students? What do you plan? What are you going to do (plan)?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 483 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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