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Baptism of Kievan Rus’ and its importance for the development of statehood

The most lasting achievement of Vladimir to Kievan Rus’ and later to russian culture was his adoption of Orthodox Christianity in 988. Before this event, there were Christians among the Rus, including Olga, Vladimir's grandmother; and legends even claimed that St. Andrew, brother of St. Peter, came on a mission to the Scythians in 55 c.e.; however, there had been no wholesale effort to convert the Slavic tribes en masse to Christianity. Vladimir himself came to power as a pagan, promoting worship of Perun, the thunder god modeled on Scandinavian deities such as Thor. Early in his reign he was known for his cruelty as well as his collection of hundreds of concubines. The story of Vladimir's (and subsequently Rus's) conversion is told in the Russian Primary Chronicle.

According to this account, Vladimir decided that he needed to modernize his new empire, which, among other things, meant the adoption of a new religion. He considered several options. Islam was rejected because it meant circumcision and abstinence from pork and alcohol. “Drinking, he allegedly said, is the joy of the Russes and we cannot exist without that pleasure.” Judaism, the religion of a stateless people, lacked sufficient prestige. Catholic ceremonies were too austere, and, besides, becoming Catholic would mean he would have to pledge fealty to the Pope. Finally, Orthodox Christianity, as practiced by the Byzantine (Greek) Empire, proved to be most impressive, both for the splendor of its churches (particularly Hagia Sophia in Constantinople) and the wonders of their services. Observers from Rus reported that on entering the Greek churches they “knew not whether we were in heaven or earth. For on earth there is no such splendour or beauty, and we are at a loss of how to describe it. We only know that God dwells there among men, and their service is fairer than the ceremonies of other nations.” Vladimir was duly baptized and soon thereafter by Vladimir's orders the residents of Kiev were herded into a tributary of the Dnieper and baptized while idols of the pagan gods were thrown into the water. Over the next few years, all of Rus was converted to Orthodox Christianity.

The true motivation behind this epochal event, however, may be more prosaic. In 987, Vladimir helped the Byzantine emperors put down an internal revolt. In return, he demanded to marry Anna, their sister. They reluctantly agreed, although they in turn demanded that Vladimir convert to Christianity. Eager to forge a dynastic alliance with the powerful Byzantines, who were considered to be the successors of Rome, he agreed. When the Byzantines tried to put the marriage off, Vladimir seized Greek cities in Crimea and threatened to march on Constantinople. Vladimir and Anna were then wed, thereby tying not only Vladimir but also Rus to Byzantium. This event had great consequences. By choosing Christianity instead of Islam, Vladimir linked Rus’ (and, consequently, its successors) to Europe, not the Middle East. By choosing Orthodoxy over Catholicism (the two formally split in 1054), however, he separated the eastern Slavic peoples from their western Catholic neighbors such as the Poles. Orthodoxy, however, helped give Rus’ a sense of common identity and provided the basis for much of eastern Slavic culture. To later generations, Vladimir would be known as Vladimir the Great.

In his time, Vladimir profited from his decision. He brought in Greek priests and craftsmen to build and administer churches. The Greeks brought with them new skills and helped create an economic and cultural awakening. The doctrines of the Orthodox faith also supported the monarch's right to rule, thus giving Vladimir a new source of legitimacy. As a Christian ruler, he had better contacts with many other European leaders, enhancing both his own prestige and trade opportunities for his realm.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 771 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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