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Poor Tom ate with his fingers mainly; but no one smiled at it, or even seemed

To observe it. He inspected his napkin curiously and with deep interest, for it

was of a very dainty and beautiful fabric, then said with simplicity:

'Prithee, take it away, lest in mine unheedfulness it be soiled.'

The Hereditary Diaperer took it away with reverent manner, and without

Word or protest of any sort.

Tom examined the turnips and the lettuce with interest, and asked what they

Were, and if they were to be eaten; for it was only recently that men had

Begun to raise these things in England in place of importing them as luxuries

From Holland. His question was answered with grave respect, and no surprise

Manifested. When he had finished his dessert, he filled his pockets with nuts;

But nobody appeared to be aware of it, or disturbed by it. But the next

Moment he was himself disturbed by it, and showed discomposure; for this

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Was the only service he had been permitted to do with his own hands during

The meal, and he did not doubt that he had done a most improper and

Unprincely thing. At that moment the muscles of his nose began to twitch, and

The end of that organ to lift and wrinkle. This continued, and Tom began to

Evince a growing distress. He looked appealingly, first at one and then another

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 234 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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