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Attaching the stand holder

The stand holder makes it possible to mount the Nord Drum on a stand that is equipped with a clamp. The stand holder with its diameter of 23 millimeter is designed to fit with most general purpose clamps.


Audio Out

The Audio output is a line level, mono signal on a ¼" jack.

*Always turn on the Nord Drum first and the sound system last, and the reverse order when you wish to turn it off again.

*The Nord Drum is capable of producing sounds with a very wide and rapidly changing dynamics and frequency ranges. Be careful when you use the unit and when you edit the sounds. Keep the level at moderate settings, in order not to overload a connected sound system by making drastic changes with the available parameters.


Connect the MIDI Input to a drum pad or se­quencer if you want to control the sounds in the Nord Drum via MIDI. The MIDI Input is also used to update the unit with new operating systems.


Connect the MIDI Output to a computer or sequencer if you want to use the Program Dump feature to transfer the settings to the sounds in the Nord Drum via MIDI. A performance on pads connected to the Trig Inputs will also be transmit­ted as MIDI notes.

4 | Руководство пользователя. ОС версии 1.x

Штативный держатель и подключение

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 147 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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