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Клавиша Latch On (прицепиться)

Обычно слайдеры активны только при прикосновении к ним. Если Latch On включено, слайдеры всё время остаются активными в позиции последнего прикосновения к ним.

Shift + Latch On: FX1/FX3 или FX2/FX4 выбраны

Нажатие Shift и левой клавиши Latch On переключает левый слайдер между функциями FX1 и FX3. Нажатие Shift и правой Latch On переключает правый слайдер между его функциями FX2 и FX4.

To view or edit the Beat FX assignments, press Shift + either Playback key:

Soft Knob 1: Select Row

Select one of the rows for editing: rows 1-4 for slider FX1-4 Position, and rows 5-8 for slider FX1-4 Pressure.

“Pos” indicates positive modulation, meaning that moving the slider upwards modulates the destination in a positive direction. This cannot be changed.

Soft Knob 2: Source

For rows 1-4, the position data from any of the sliders FX1-4 may be selected, as “+” (positive output only with 0 at bottom of slider) or “+/-“ (bipolar output with 0 in middle of slider). For rows 5-8, the pressure data from any of the sliders FX1-4 may be selected.

Soft Knob 4: Destination

Options are all Beat-wide sound parameters: Oscillator Pitch, Lowpass Frequency, Lowpass Resonance, Audio Mod, Highpass Frequency, VCA Feedback, Envelope Attack and Envelope Decay. “Pos” indicates positive modulation, meaning that moving the slider upwards modulates the destination in a positive direction. This cannot be changed.

Beat FX slider movements are for live performance only and cannot be recorded. However, Note FX (described in the following section) does permit recording of slider movements, and Note FX sliders may be assigned to Beat-wide sound parameters.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 152 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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