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Exercise II. Identify the meanings expressed by the mo­dal verb will in the sentences below and translate them into Ukrainian

A. 1. «- we will now seriously devote ourselves to a little high tension.» 2. «Now I know you're tortoise. You thought I wouldn't. Now I will.» 3. «I've never seen a Jaguar... An' I 'spose I never will.» 4. «...butwe, О Best Beloved, will call him Tegumai.» 5. «We will still call her Taffi.» 6. «I will go away and get help for him from his tribe.» 7. «I will make a Magic and I will play your play.» 8.1 will go up and look and say: «I will guard your cave.» 9. «I will come, I will be your servant for the sake of the wonderful grass.» 10. «I will do so», said the Woman - «but I will not thank you for it». 11. «I will ever be grateful to you». «Now we will make our bargain». 12. «I will hunt you till I catch you. I will bite you. I will be kind to the Baby while I am in the Cave». (Kipling) 13. None are so blind as those who will not see. (Saying) 14. As you sow, so will you reap. (Saying) 15. «Say, will you do me a favour?» «Will I?» 15. «I will prove that he lied.» (Kipling)

16. «I will now read you a little tale that I wrote last night.» (M.Twain)

17. «I will never marry without my father's warrant,» she added. (Leacock) 18. «Will you be going to the dance tonight?» he asked. (Macken) 19. «Get this prescription made up and come and see me». «Thanks, Doc, I will». (Maugham) 20. «But I think I will say no, if you don't mind.» 21. «I am an Englishman, and I will suffer no priest to interfere in my business.» 22. «They're crazy. The Sheriff won't let them.» (Saroyan) 23. «I am perfectly willing to wait.» 24. «I will go out of the room if you do.» 25. «Then I will not marry him. I will not go abroad.» (B.Shaw) 26. Tomorrow I will be a man, For Tomorrow I shall fight, And Tomorrow I will die. (Olga Oddes) 27. «I will, Leister, I will,» she exclaimed, «I will tell you everything when I come back.» (Dreiser). 28. «We will let him go to school next year if we can.» (Ibid)

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