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V. Translate the sentences into English

1. Сыктывкарский лесной институт — один из самых молодых среди вузов нашего города. 2. Начало его истории относится к 1952 году, когда в Сыктывкаре был основан консультационный пункт Всесоюзного заочного лесотехнического института с первыми 50 студентами. 3. В связи с быстрым развитием лесной промышленности в Республике Коми число студентов в нем ежегодно значительно увеличивалось. 4. Уже в 1960 году он состоял из нескольких отделений, обучающих инженеров для лесоводства, для механической и химической обработки древесины, специалистов для бумажного производства и гражданского строительства. 5. В 1964 году Заочный лесотехнический институт вошел в состав Ленинградской лесотехнической академии, и наше учреждение стало его филиалом. 6. Студенты Сыктывкарского филиала могли завершить свое образование в Санкт-Петербурге. 7. Санкт-Петербургская государственная лесотехническая академия — это один из старейших вузов в России. 8. В 1929 году институт получил название 'академии' благодаря репутации, которую он заслужил в науке и образовании. 9. Сегодня вклад академии в народное хозяйство огромен. 10. Сыктывкарский лесной институт имеет очень тесные связи с академией. 11. Сегодня он имеет два главных корпуса с лекционными аудиториями и лабораториями. 12. Институт имеет 5 основных подразделений: факультет экономики и управления и лесотранспортный факультет, а также технологический и сельскохозяйственный факультеты и факультет заочного обучения. 13. Общее количество студентов равно приблизительно 7 тысячам, и они все они учатся по дневной и вечерней/заочной формам обучения. 14. Вечернее и заочное обучение позволяют совмещать работу и дальнейшее образование. 15. Молодые люди пожертвуют своим свободным временем ради лучших возможностей в будущем. 16. Учебный план предлагает много лекционных курсов, семинаров и практических занятий. 17. На последних курсах студенты проходят стажерскую практику на предприятиях. 18. У студентов есть творческое объединение «Древо» с различными кружками, студенческим театром. 20. Наши студенты также принимают участие в спортивных соревнованиях и показывают очень хорошие результаты. 22. Хотя сегодня мы испытываем много трудностей, наш институт умеет не только выживать. 23. Он расширяется, улучшает свою работу и имеет очень многообещающее будущее. 24. Сегодня Сыктывкарский лесной институт имеет высококвалифицированный профессорско-преподавательский состав, и он обучает специалистов для различных отраслей нашей экономики.

VI. Answer the questions:

1. Is the Syktyvkar Forest Institute the youngest school of higher learning in Syktyvkar?

2. How long has the Syktyvkar Forest Institute been known under this name?

3. When was the Consultation Centre of the All-Union Extra-Mural Forest Technical Institute set up in Syktyvkar?

4. Why was the Consultation Centre reorganized into the Syktyvkar branch of the All-Union Extra-Mural Forest Technical Institute?

5. What specialists did they train in 1960?

6. When did the Syktyvkar branch of the All-Union Extra-Mural Forest Technical Institute become part of the Leningrad Forest Technical Academy?

7. Did the Syktyvkar branch provide education for part-time learners only?

8. The students could go to Leningrad to complete their education at the Forest Technical Academy, couldn't they?

9. When was the Forestry higher learning school established in St. Petersburg?

10. When did it aсquire the name of the 'academy'? What for was that name given?

11. Is the Academy a major research centre today too?

12. Who of the famous scientists worked at the St. Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy?

13. Is the Syktyvkar Forest Institute closely connected with the Forest Technical Academy today?

14. Where is the Syktyvkar Forest Institute situated?

15. How many faculties are there at the Institute? What are they?

16. How many students study at the Institute at present?

17. What kind of studies is popular with the students?

18. Why do students choose part-time studies?

19. There aren't any hardships in the life of the Institute, are there?

20. What progress is the Syktyvkar Forest Institute making?

21. Are the activities of the Institute important for the Komi Republic's economy?


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is a university with a clearly defined role in society: to take responsibility for the development of learning and expertise in areas concerning biological resources and biological production. This responsi­bility stretches over the wide-ranging fields of agriculture, forestry and the food industry to environmental questions, veterinary medicine and biotechnology.

The university activities are spread between 70 depart­ments in three faculties: Faculty of Agriculture, Landscape Planning and Horticulture, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. A total of 3500 people are employed at the University. The students are the future of the University. More than 3500 under­ograduates and 850 postgraduate students are enrolled at SLU. SLU offers a broad spectrum of vocational and ge­neral educational programmes. They are under continuous development, and new programmes that exploit the unique competence at the University are regularly introduced. Many of the students today design their bachelor's or master's degree from a choice of over 400 single subject courses. A Bachelor’s degree requires at least 120 credits, including 60 credits in the main subject. (See Supplementary, text 3.) A Master’s degree requires 160 credits, including 80 credits in the main subject.

The faculty of forestry is Sweden’s main centre for higher education and research in forestry, and it is represented at several places in Sweden. The main locations are Umeå and Uppsala. The departments of ecology and environmental research, forest ecology, forest economics, forest genetics and plant morphology, forest management and products, forest resource management and geomatics, forest soils, silviculture, wood science and some others offer courses at all levels for Swedish and international students. The faculty has also several research stations throughout the country.

Strong competence in basic aspects of natural sciences, technology, economy and land­scape planning form the basis of the applicability that characterizes research at SLU. A comprehensive viewpoint, inter-disciplinary approach and applicability are keywords in SLU's research and teaching and in the intensive contacts with industry and society.

SLU has an international character, with extensive and fruitful exchange of learning in a network spanning the whole world. SLU is also engaged in several interna­tional education programmes for students. Many courses, both for undergraduate and postgraduate levels, are therefore offered in English.

The attitude to the fields, forests and the rest of living nature has changed dramatically during recent decades — even during the short time SLU has existed as a university. The keyword in 1977 was «high productivity», at the time when Sweden combined the resources for research and higher education in agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine to a new university. Today the keyword is «sustainable production» instead. Biological production in forests and arable land, controlled by man, must be in harmony with nature, not at nature's expense.

Primary strate­gic requirements for success include continuous develop­ment of knowledge about biological life and a continuous supply of highly competent people for basic production.

SLU is the only university of its kind in Sweden. It carries out one third of all biological research in Sweden. It plays a major role in supplying knowledge to a range of basic areas, from agriculture and forestry to livestock manage­ment. With the modern attitude to nature and biological production, it has also become a university for the environment, a vital source of learning for nature conservation, landscape planning and a sustainable society. Today, collaboration between research, business and industry means that advanced biotechnology is imple­mented quickly in new and improved products.

Answer the questions:

1. In what fields is the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences developing education?

2. Is SLU a large university, do you think? Try and prove your point.

3. How many credits are required for the Bachelor’s degree? And for the Master’s degree?

4. What departments are there at the faculty of forestry? Do they provide the courses for the Master’s degree?

5. Is the university engaged in interna­tional education programmes?

6. How has the attitude to the biological resources and biological production changed since 1977 (when SLU was established)?

7. What does collaboration between research, business and industry mean?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 246 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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