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CAUTION. Do not remove the aluminum sealing sheet [A] from the filler ports [B] until just prior to use

Do not remove the aluminum sealing sheet [A] from the filler ports [B] until just prior to use. Be sure to use the dedicated electrolyte container for correct electrolyte volume.

• Place the battery on a level surface.

• Check to see that the sealing sheet has no peeling, tears, or holes in it.

• Remove the sealing sheet.


○The battery is vacuum sealed. If the sealing sheet has leaked air into the battery, it may require a longer initial charge.

• Remove the electrolyte container from the vinyl bag.

• Detach the strip of caps [A] from the container and set aside, these will be used later to seal the battery.


• Place the electrolyte container upside down with the six sealed cells into the filler ports of the battery. Hold the container level, push down to break the seals of all six cells. You will see air bubbles rising into each cell as the ports fill. NOTE ○Do not tilt the electrolyte container

○Do not pierce or otherwise open the sealed cells [B] of the electrolyte container. Do not attempt to separate individual cells.

• Check the electrolyte flow.


• If no air bubbles [A] are coming up from the filler ports, or if the container cells have not emptied completely, tap the container [B] a few times.

• Keep the container in place for 20 minutes or more. Don’t remove the container from the battery until it’s empty, the battery requires all the electrolyte from the container for proper operation.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 194 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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