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CAUTION. The 32° cutter removes material very quickly

The 32° cutter removes material very quickly. Check the seat outside diameter frequently to pre­vent overgrinding.

OAfter making the 32° grind, return to the seat O.D. mea­surement step above.

• To measure the seat width, use a vernier caliper to mea­sure the width of the 45° angle portion of the seat at sev­eral places around the seat.

• If the seat width is too narrow, repeat the 45° grind until the seat is slightly too wide, and then return to the seat O.D. measurement step above.

• If the seat width is too wide, make the 60° [A] grind de­scribed below.

• If the seat width is within the specified range, lap the valve to the seat as described below.

• Grind the seat at a 60° angle until the seat width is within the specified range.

OTo make the 60° grind, fit a 60° cutter to the holder, and slide it into the valve guide.

OTurn the holder, while pressing down lightly.

OAfter making the 60° grind, return to the seat width mea­surement step above. Correct Width [B]

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 215 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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