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Cylinder Head. •If cylinder compression is lower than the usable range, check the following:

If cylinder compression is lower than the usable range, check the following:

1. Gas leakage around the cylinder head - replace the damaged gasket and check the cylinder head for warping.

2. Condition of the valve seating.

3. Valve clearance - if a valve requires an unusually large adjustment to obtain proper clearance, the valve may be bent, and not seating completely.

4. Piston/cylinder clearance, piston seizure.

5. Piston ring, piston ring groove.

Cylinder Head Removal

• Remove:

Cylinder Head Cover (see Cylinder Head Cover Re­moval)

Exhaust Pipes and Mufflers (see Crankshaft/Transmis­sion chapter)

Cam Chain Tensioner (see Chain Tensioner Removal) Camshafts (see Camshaft Removal) Carburetors (see Carburetor Removal in the Fuel Sys­tem chapter)

• Remove the main oil pipe banjo bolts [A].

• Loosen the main oil pipe mounting bolt [B]. Remove the rear 6 mm cylinder head bolt [C].

• Remove the front 6 mm cylinder head bolt [A] first, then remove the 10 mm cylinder head bolts [B] This prevents excessive stress on the small bolts.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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