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The crankshaft may be turned while the camshafts are removed. Always pull the chain taut while turn­ing the crankshaft. This avoids kinking the chain on the lower (crankshaft) sprocket. A kinked chain could damage both the chain and the sprocket.

Camshaft Installation

• Apply molybdenum disulfide oil to all cam parts and jour­nals.

• If the camshaft(s) and/or cylinder head are replaced with new ones, apply a thin coat of a molybdenum disulfide oil on the new cam part surfaces.


○The Exhaust camshaft has an EX mark [A] and the inlet camshaft has an IN mark [B]. Be careful not to mix up these shafts.

○Be sure to operate from the engine left side.


• Position the crankshaft at #2 piston TDC (see Camshaft

The crankshaft may be turned while the camshafts are removed. Always pull the chain taut while turn­ing the crankshaft. This avoids kinking the chain on the lower (crankshaft) sprocket. A kinked chain could damage both the chain and the sprocket.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 185 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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