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Planned economies

Planned economies are also called “ command economies ” because the state commands the use of the resources (labour and factories) that are used to produce

goods and services as the state owns factories and land.

Planned economies are economies with a large amount of central planning and direction.

The state decides what the nation is to produce and works out plans five years ahead.


central planning and direction – центральное планирование и руководство

command economy – «командная экономика»

to own – владеть

to produce - производить

state – государство

to work out plans – разрабатывать планы


Task 1. Find Russian equivalents to the following.

1. … are also called “command economies” …,

2. … as the stste owns factories and land.

3. … a large amount of central planning and direction.

4. … what the nation is to produce ….

Task 2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

1. плановая экономика;

2. имеющиеся в распоряжении ресурсы;

3. планировать на 5 лет вперед;

4. значительное количество;

5. государству принадлежит земля и фабрики.

Task 3. Use a dictionary and translate the following phrasal verbs.

to work for

to work on

to work out

to work over

Task 4. Fill in the gas with the words from the text.

1. … economies are called “command economies” because … commands the use of ….

2. … as the state … factories, land.

3. planned economies are … with a large … of central … and ….

Task 5. Put up questions to the underlined words in the following sentence.

The state decides what the nation is to produce and works out plans five years ahead.

Task 6. Find synonyms among the given words.

large, receive, different, natiobn, broad, common, fairly, selection, error, choice, constant, mistake, big, basic, rather, product, wide, get, general, make, various, country.

Task 7. Find anonyms among the following words.

different, broad, old, sdistant, large, long, receive, advanced, little, abcient, true, narrow, same, near, backwards, false, lose, modern, young, short.

Task 8. Answer the following questions.

1. Why are planned economies called “command economies”?

2. Who commands in such countries?

3. Why does the state command?

4. Why are these economies called planned?

5. What kind of plans are worked out by the state?


Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 461 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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