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Interview the members of your family about their attitude towards discrimination, xenophobia and nationalism. Make a report and introduce it to the class

Pair work

Ask your partner about his attitude towards foreigners (English speakers, for example).Does he or she fear any of them? Explain why yes or no. Does he or she know about the definition of the word, meaning “ irrational fear of foreigners”? Share your ideas with the class.


Module 3. Learning Foreign Languages

Unit 1. Multilingualism. The Importance of Foreign Languages


Ø What is multilingualism?

Ø What is understood by linguistic diversity?

Ø How many languages should a person know to be an effective communicator?

1. Watch the video on YouTube which is titled “What is multilingualism?” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrblYsVuofU. Summarize all ideas shared by speakers.

It is represented by short sentences, opinions about multilingualism, in Europe and in the world. The video provides facts and benefits, why it is important to speak more than one language. The spoken languages in this movie are Hungarian, Slovakian, German, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Norwegian, Georgian, Dutch, Swedish, Kazakh, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, French, Russian, Albanian, Catalonian, Irish Gaelic, Basque, and Icelandic.

Try to formulate your own idea what multilingualism is.

Reading and vocabulary

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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