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Find out in the text compound adjectives and make your own sentences with them

Grammar Practice

Modal verbs. Modal verbs are used to express ideas like ability, possibility, certainty etc. The same ideas can be also expressed in other words such as: be able to, be obliged to, it’s possible that, it’s unnecessary to. Modal verbs can refer to ability: can/be able to, inability: can’t/unable to/not be able to. Modal verbs can refer to possibility and certainty: may/might/could. Modal verbs can be used when giving or refusing permission: can/may, can’t/mustn’t. Modal verbs also can refer to obligation or responsibility: must/have to/have got to/ought to.

  1. Use the appropriate modal verb according to information from the text in the sentences below.

1) You … want to look up books in other genres which may catch your fancy. (may/ought)

2) You … take full advantage of this and learn all those things that you never understood before.

3) (should/can)

4) If you read a great article about Mozart or other composer, take the article to a store where you buy CDs and ask the counter attendant to direct you to some Mozart CDs that you might like. (can/must)

5) A person of culture … be ignorant of where countries or famous landmarks are.(should not/can not)

6) You …write poetry or short stories or even books and plays. (must/can)

7) You … take full advantage of this and learn all those things that you never understood before.

8) (should/to be to)

9) You …aim to be reasonably educated in these topics: world history,geography,basic sciences, psychology, economics. (can/should).

10) Famous singers have better songs on their albums which they left out of mainstream because they wouldn't be popular with the main market.(should/ may)

2. Make up your 10 sentences using different modal verbs describing what should/ought to/must a person learn and know to be a man of culture in modern society.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 361 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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