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Exercise 41. Use these set expressions in your own situations


adorn (v) – fml to make more beautiful, attractive or interesting: She adorned herself with jewels

alter (v) to make or become different, but without changing into smth. else: This shirt will have to be altered, it’s too large.

apparel (n) 1. lit or old use clothes, esp. of a fine or special sort: the Queen’s ceremonial apparel; 2. (AmE) clothes; clothing: ladies’ ready-to-wear apparel

array (n) – lit fine clothes, esp. for a special occasion

array (v) to dress, esp. splendidly: arrayed in all her finery

attire (n) – clothes, esp. of a particular type: in formal attire

attire (v) (in) fml to put on clothes, dress: attired in her academic robes

bathrobe (AmE) (n) - garment like a long loose coat worn before and after having a bath

becoming (adj) looking very good on the wearer: Blue always looks very becoming on her.

button (n) –a small, usu. circle fastener, made of bone, plastic, metal, etc., which is fixed to one part of a garment and passed through a hole in another part in order to join the two parts together: One of my buttons has come off my shirt. / Will you help me to do up (=to fasten) my buttons? / a button nose (a small broad flattish nose

button (v) – to close or fasten with buttons: Button up your coat – it’s cold outside. / My dress buttons at the back.

bow tie (n) – a short tie fastened at the front with a knot in the shape of a bow, worn on special occasions: a bow tie affair

cashmere (n) fine soft wool, made from a type of long-haired goat, used for making expensive clothes: a cashmere sweater

casual (adj) intended for informal situations or occasions: casual shoes

checked (adj) having a pattern of squares: checked curtains

chic (n) good style, esp. in one’s manner or the way one’s dresses; a fashionable, sophisticated quality: She wears her clothes with great chic./ a chic little hat

chic (adj) attractive and fashionable in style; stylish

clothes (n) - garments, such as trousers, dresses, shirts, and socks, that are worn to cover the body: Put on your school clothes. / football clothes / a clothes brush

USAGE: Compare clothes, cloth, material, clothing, garment, and dress. Clothes is the usual word for things we wear: She's got some beautiful clothes. Clothes are made from various kinds of cloth or material, such as wool or cotton: How much cloth/material will I need to make a pair of trousers? Clothing is a more formal word for clothes. A gar­ment (rather formal) is a single article of clothing. A dress is a kind of outer garment worn by women: What a pretty dress she's wearing, But in cer­tain expressions dress is a particular type of cloth­ing: The men had to wear formal evening dress to go to the company dinner.

clothes basket (n) - a large plastic basket for holding clothes ready for drying or ironing

clothes brush (n) - a brush for removing fluff, dust, mud, etc. from clothes esp. coats, jackets, etc.

clothes hanger (n) a frame with a hook and crosspiece, which is put inside the shoulders of a dress, coat, etc., so that it can be hung and will keep its shape

clothes-horse (n) - a frame on which clothes are hung to dry, usu. indoors

clothes peg (BrE) clothes-pin (AmE) (n) - a small wooden or plastic instrument for holding wet washed clothes on a clothesline to dry

CULTURAL NOTE: If there is a bad smell, people some­times joke about putting a clothes peg on their nose so that they will not be able to smell it

clothing (n) - the garments, such as trousers, dresses, shirts, etc., worn together on different parts of the body: an article of clothing / The staff at the chemical slant wear protective clothing.

cloth cap (flat cap) (n) - a soft flat woollen cap with a stiff pointed piece at the front. The cloth cap is sometimes used to represent the idea of the working class in Britain.

clothe (v) - to cover with clothes or provide clothes for: They have to work hard to feed and clothe their large family. / Her partially-clothed body was found in a wood.

corduroy (n) thick strong cotton cloth with thin raised lines on it, use for making outer clothes: a corduroy jacket

costume (n) the clothes typical of a certain period, country or profession: They are all dressed in national costume.

costume jewelry (n) expensive-looking jewelry made from cheap materials

cotton (n) 1. a tall plant grown in warm areas for the soft white hair that surrounds its seeds; 2. thread or cloth made from the hair of this plant: a reel of red cotton / a cool white cotton shirt / Cotton is more comfortable to wear than nylon.

crease (n) a line made on cloth, paper, etc., by folding, crushing or pressing: You’ve got a crease in your dress where you have been sitting. / He had razor-sharp creases in his trousers (= the trouses were very carefully pressed).

crease (v) to make a line or lines appear on a garment, paper, etc. By folding, crushing or pressing: She wanted to wear her black dress, but it was too crease. / a material that creases easily

cut (n) the style in which clothes are made or a person’s hair is shaped: the cut of a suit / a fashionable cut

cut out (v) to make by cutting: to cut out a dress

denim (n) - a strong cotton cloth used esp. for making jeans

double-breasted (adj) - (of a coat or jacket) made so that one side of the front is brought across the other side of the front with a double row of buttons

dress (n) - an article of clothing for a woman or girl, with or without sleeves, that covers the body from shoulder to knee or below / Do we have to wear evening dress for this party?

dress (adj) - 1. of or used for a dress: dress material; 2. (of clothing) suitable for a formal occasion:

a dress shirt / suit; 3. (of an occasion) at which formal or special clothes are worn: dress rehearsal

dress (v) – 1. to put clothes on (oneself or some one else): I'll be ready in a moment. / I'm just dressing (getting dressed). / Could you dress the baby for me? 2. (often pass., not in progressive forms) to provide (oneself or someone else) with clothes of the stated type: She dresses well on very little money. / He was neatly (informally, immaculately dressed). / an old lady, dressed in black / They weredressed in their Sunday best. (=best clothes) / She went to the party dressed as a nun. 3. to put on formal clothes for the evening: You are expected to dress for dinner in this hotel. 4. to make or choose clothes for: The princess is dressed by a famous dress designer. 5. dressed (up) to kill infml wearing very bright fashionable clothes6. dressed (up) to the nines infml wearing one's best and most formal clothes 7. all dressed up and nowhere to go humor a phrase used when someone seems dressed in their best clothes for no clear reason

USAGE Compare dress, put on, and wear. You can put on any article of clothing: She put on a woolly scarf before she went out. When you put on all your clothes you can say dress (rather literary) or get dressed: I got up and put on my clothes (dressed, got dressed). Wear means "to have (clothes) on" and is usually used to describe someone's habits or appearance: She al­ways wears black. / I'll be wearing a red coat. Here you can also use dress in and be dressed in: She al­ways dresses in black. / I'll be dressed in a red coat. To dress sbdy. down means to attack angrily in words (someone who has done something wrong); dressing-down: The naughty children got a good dressing-down.

dress up (v) – 1. (as, in) (usu. of children) to wear someone else's clothes for fun and pretence: to dress up as an astronaut / The little girl likes dressing up (in her mother's clothes). 2. to put on formal clothes or one's best clothes: Don't bother to dress up for the party. / She's all dressed up and nowhere to go. (an old saying) 3. (as, in) to make (something or someone) seem different or more attractive: He dressed the facts up to make them more interesting.

dressing gown (BrE) (n) - garment rather like a long loose coat, worn indoors when a person is not fully dressed, esp. after getting up in the morning

evening dress (n) special clothes worn for formal occasions in the evening usu. A formal suit and a bow tie for men and a long dress for women

elegant (adj) having the qualities of grace and beauty: an elegant woman / elegant clothes / elegant manners

embroider (with) (v) - to make a decorative needlework picture or pattern: The dress was embroidered with flowers in silk thread.

everyday (adj) ordinary, common, and usual: in his everyday clothes

fashion (n) 1. the way of dressing or behaving that is usual or popular at a certain time: Fashions have changed since I was a girl. / Narrow trousers are the latest fashion. / We like to keep up with fashion./ a fashion show / a fashion house (= company that produces clothes) / Long hair is out of fashion.

fashionable (adj) made or dressed according to the latest fashion: It’s fashionable among the British to go to the South of France for their holidays.

fashion-plate (n) - (AmE) sometimes derog. a person, who thinks it very important to dress in the latest fashion

fasten (v) to make or become firmly fixed or clothed: He fastened his coat.

felt - thick firm cloth made of wool, hair, or fur that has been pressed flat: a felt hat

fit (n) - a particular way in which smth. fits: This coat’s a beautiful fit.

flowery (adj) decorated with flowers: a flowery pattern

fray (v) to (cause to) have loose threads developing: Constant rubbing had frayed his shirt cuffs. / This dress material frays very quickly when you cut it.

frock (n) 1. old-fash. a woman’s or a girls dress: a party frock; 2. a long loose garment worn by some Christian monks

full dress (n) – special dress worn on special or ceremonial occasions

fully-fashioned (BrE) full-fashioned (AmE) (adj) (of knitted (knit) clothing) made to fit the shape of the body exactly: fully-fashioned tights

full-length (adj) reaching to the ground: a full-length evening dress

garb (n) clothing of a particular style, esp. clothing that shows one type of work or is of unusual appearance: He was clothed in a judges solemn garb. / clerical garb / fantastic garb / in Turkish garb / in the garb of a sailor

garb (v) – (in) fml or lit to dress: The priest was garbed in black.

garment (n) an article of clothing

gown (n) 1. a woman’s dress, esp. a long one, worn on formal occasions: She wore a blue silk evening gown. 2. a long loose usu. black outer garment worn for special ceremonies by judges, teachers, lawyers and members of Universities; 3. a long loose garment worn for some special purpose: The gown a surgeon wears during an operation is usually green.

guise (n) fml an outer appearance, esp. one that is intended to deceive: There is nothing new here; just the same ideas in a different new guise. / In this film he appears in various guises: as a lawyer, a soldier, a window cleaner. etc.

hem (n) the edge of a piece of cloth that is turned under and sewn down, esp. the lower edge of a skirt or dress: The dress was too long, so I took the hem up.

hem (v) to take the hem up in order to shorten: Could you hem my trousers?

hemline (n) the length of a dress, skirt, etc., as show by the position of the hem. At most times in the history of fashion the height of women’s hemlines has been very important.

iron (v) to make clothes smooth with a iron: She ironed her blouse.

knit (knitted or knit) (v) - to make things to wear by joining woollen threads into a close network with long needles (knitting needles): I can knit while I watch TV.

leather (n) animal skin that has been treated to preserve it, used for making shoes bags: a leather coat

leatherette (n) a cheap material made to look like leather: a hideous leatherette sofa

let smth. down (v) to make clothes longer: I’m going to let down this old dress for my daughter.

let smth out (v) to make clothes wider: Jack’s put on so much weight that I’ve had to let out all his trousers.

lengthen (v) to make or become longer: to lengthen a skirt

lining (n) a piece of material covering the inner surface of a article of clothing: a coat with a silk lining

loud (adj) - attracting attention by being unpleasantly colorful: He was wearing a rather loud shirt.

made-to-measure (adj) specially made to someone’s measurement’s

match (n) a thing that is like another or is suitable to be put together with another, esp. by having a similar color or pattern: We can’t find a match for this ornament. / The hat and the shoes are a perfect match.

morning dress (BrE) (n) formal clothes worn by a man at a ceremony in the daytime (such as weddings) that include a morning coat, trousers and a top hat; (AmE) – an informal dress worn by women when doing work in the home

neat (adj) simple and pleasant; in good taste: a neat dress

nylon (n) a strong man-made substance made into cords, plastics and material for clothes: a nylon shirt

old-fashioned (adj) once usual or fashionable but now less common: an old-fashioned hat

outfit (n) 1. clothes worn together: a child’s cowboy outfit

out-of-date (adj) no longer in use or in fashion

paisley (n) cloth with curved colored patterns (from the town of Paisley in Scotland): a paisley skirt

pin-stripe (n) any of a number of thin usu. white lines repeated at regular spaces along usu. dark cloth to form a patter

plain (adj) simple, without anything added, without decoration: You should wear a plain blouse with this checked skirt.

polka-dot (n) any of a number of circular spots forming a pattern, used esp. on dress material: a polka-dot skirt

polyester (n) a man-made material used to make cloth. Polyester is not usu. as expensive or as fashionable as natural materials such as wool or cotton

press (v) to give a garment a smooth surface and a sharp fold by using a hot iron: to press a suit

ready-made (adj) not made specially for the buyer, able to be worn at once: a ready-made suit

satin (n) – avery fine smooth cloth mainly of silk, which is shiny on the front and dull on the back: satin slippers

sew (sewed, sewn also sewed AmE ) (v) – to join or fasten by stitched made with thread; make or mend with needle and thread: They learnt to sew at school. / Would you sew on this button?

to sew up (v) – to close or repair by sewing: Will you sew up this hole in my trousers?

shabby (adj) untidy or of low quality because of long use or lack of care: a shabby old hat / a shabby baby-sitter

shade (n) a degree or variety of color: It was painted in various shades of blue

sheer (adj) very thin, fine, light in weight, and almost transparent: ladies’ sheer stockings

shorten (v) to make or to become shorter: to shorten a skirt

shirtfront (n) the part of a shirt covering the chest, esp. the stiff front part of a formal white shirt

shirtsleeve (adj) not wearing jackets, esp. because of hot weather or informality; There was a large shirtsleeve crowd to watch the cricket match. / shirtsleeve (= informal and direct) diplomacy

silk (n) smooth soft cloth made from fine thread which is produced by a silk worm: artificial silk / a silk blouse

single-breasted – (of a coat or jacket) fastened in the center at the front with only one row of buttons

smart (adj) esp. BrE neat and stylish in appearance: You look very smart in this new shirt. / a smart new car

snug (adj) fitting closely and comfortably: This jacket is a nice snug fit.

sports (adj) 1. of, for or connected with sport: the sport page of the newspaper; 2. also sport AmE – (esp. of clothes) informal in style: Do I have to wear a suit to the dinner, or will a sports jacket be good enough?

stitch (v) to sew; put stitches on to fasten together or for decorative effect: Will you stitch up this hole for me? / She stitched the button on the shirt. / Stitch the front and back of the dress together/

stripe (n) a band of color, among one or more other colors: a shirt with blue and white stripes

striped (adj)– having stripes of color: striped silk / a blue and white striped shirt

style (n) fashion, esp. in clothes: 70s style looks very odd today. / jackets in the latest style / Long hair is definitely out of style at the moment.

style (v) – to arrange or to form in a certain pattern or shape: This sofa was styled in Italy. / The dress is carefully style for maximum comfort. / She is having her hair styled by a famous hair dresser.

stylish (adj) fashionable, elegant: He is a stylish dresser.

suede (n) soft leather with a rough surface: suede shoes

suit (n) 1. a set of clothes made of the same material, usu. including a short coat (a jacket) with trousers or a skirt: a dark tweed suit; 2. (usu. in comb) a garment or set of garments for a special purpose: a swimming suit, a spacesuit

take smth. in (v) to make clothes narrower: My dress is a bit loose round the waist – could you take it in for me?

take smth. up (cut down Br E) (v) – to reduce in length by putting in a new hem (=folding and sewing the bottom of the garment), to hem

tartan (n) a woollen or worsted cloth woven with stripes of different colors and widths crossing at right angles, worn chiefly by the Scottish Highlanders

top hat (n) – a man’s tall black or grey silk hat, now worn only on formal occasions

trendy (adj) esp. BrE infml, sometimes derog. very fashionable; very influenced by the latest fashions: a trendy dress

try smth. on (v) to put on (a garment, hat, shoes) to see whether it fits, looks well, etc.: I want to try the shoes on before I buy them.

turnout (n) infml the manner or style in which a person is dressed: a colorful turnout

velvet (n) a fine closely woven material made of silk, nylon, cotton, with a soft furry surface on one side: a velvet jacket

vogue (n) (for) – the popular fashion or custom at a certain usu. not lasting time: There seems to be a vogue for Chinese food at present. / Short skirts were in vogue (were all the vogue) in the 1960s.

wardrobe (n) a collection of clothes, esp. of one person or for one activity: summer wardrobe

wool (n) thick thread or cloth made from the soft thick hair which sheep and some goat have on their bodies: a ball on knitting wool / a wool suit

woollen (adj) – made of wool: a woollen coat

woolly (adj) of or like wool, esp. with a soft surface: woolly socks

Exercise 42. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian:

1. He wore the same baggy suit with shiny trousers for a week at a time. 2. His shoes and trouser cuffs were muddy. 3. He wore stained and shapeless grey flannel trousers, a broad leather belt round his narrow waist, and an open-necked blue shirt that echoed his bright eyes. 4. Biff took off his shirt and examined the collar to see if it was clean enough to be worn again. 5. He had a funny little jacket and ridiculous trousers striped vertically blue and white. 6. Roy dressed with exquisite care the next morning. He put on his most fashionable suit, a silk shirt, a pair of suede shoes. 7. Johnny badly needed a new jacket, his old one was out at the elbows. 8. The cuffs of his sleeves were frayed to the lining and the dark suit was badly fitted. 9. She unbuttoned her coat and folded it across her lap. 10. Michael unbuttoned his coat and let it flap around him in the mild wind. 11, Mary wore a black dinner dress with pearls around her neck.12. Shirley was wearing red, and there was an orchid pinned to the waist of her dress. 13. The sisters almost always were dressed in white from crown to toe.

1. He undid the top button of his jacket. 2. One corner of his shirt was showing from under his jacket, which was not buttoned up to the neck. 3. He wore a raincoat that had a wool liner buttoned into it. 4. She zipped up her leather jacket and turned away. 5. He wore a white shirt open at the throat. A yellow silk tie was knotted carelessly about his neck. 6. He was always dressed in conservative dark suits, starched white shirts, black shoes, and a maroon bow tie. He had dozens of bow ties in various widths and lengths, but every one of them was of some shade of maroon. 7. His necktie was pulled down away from his collar, and he had eased the collar by unbuttoning it. 8. He advanced towards a tall military-looking man wearing orange suede shoes. 9. On his skinny legs he wore black stockings, and his shoes were of special kind, being queerly shaped, laced up over ankles, and newly cleaned and polished with wax. 10. Betty was wearing black velvet slacks, a colorful tight sweater, and flat-heeled white shoes. 11. Dixie took a lovely handkerchief from her sleeve and gently patted her nose. He noticed the whiff of scent, which came from the handkerchief. 12. He arranged his handkerchief in his breast pocket.

1. She wore a pair of very smart black laced shoes. 2. In the closet he noticed a pair of battered shoes on the floor. It was his best pair. The soles were badly worn, the uppers scuffed deep into the leather, the strings broken and knotted. 3. There were slippers with pompons on the toes. 4. Then, going to the mirror, she set the little lemon scarf she wore in the evenings into pretty artistic folds. 5. She was wearing a head square of white silk tied under her chin and the free corners flipped as she moved. 6. Miriam wore the same plum velvet coat and now she had also a beret to match. 7. Smiling, he lifted his hat, which was new and wide-brimmed… It was toast colored with a red and white band around it and was slightly too large for him. 8. She was dressed in the height of style, her shoulders padded, her hat tilted over one eye. 9. Her hood obscured her face, it was hot in the museum; he threw the hood back. 10. She had a blue frock with a brooch in the shape of a butterfly. 11. She wore her loose brown raincoat and her head was covered with a matching hood. 12. That’s a very nice blazer you are wearing, and it goes well with your new pullover. 13. She took off he silk trouser suit and put on a warm dressing gown.

Exercise 43. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Он столкнулся с женщиной в желтом платье. 2. Она была одета в белый свитер и темно-серую юбку. 3. На женщине была черная юбка, засыпанная пудрой, и белый грязноватый свитер. В руках у нее была черная сумочка из лакированной кожи. 4. Они остановили студента в белой рубашке и свободном свитере и спросили, где находится архив. 5. Деканом была милая леди, лет шестидесяти в накрахмаленной блузе. 6. Он увидел, что с другого конца парка к ним бежит девушка в синей юбке и голубом свитере. 7. На ее шее была тонкая нитка жемчуга. 8. Когда он завязывал галстук, он заметил, что его руки дрожат. 9. Он выглядел загорелым и сильным в белой рубашке, расстегнутой у ворота. 10. На ней была шерстяная кофта и широкая черная юбка. 11. Она была одета в темно-зеленый костюм, который гармонировал с цветом ее глаз и подчеркивал ее стройную талию.

1. Она села, скрестив ног. Короткая юбка не прикрывала ее колени. Она одернула ее и продолжала сидеть в ожидании. 2. Мимо них прошел человек с карими печальными глазами, одетый в дешевый коричневый костюм. 3. Мужчина, сидевший за решеткой, был похож на лунатика в бреду. Он был в рваной белой рубашке, с длинными волосами и дикими глазами. 4. Платье на ее фигуре сидело очень скверно. 5. Человек, который стоял у двери, был высок, хорошо сложен. На нем была кожаная куртка и фуражка яхтсмена. 6. Она шла в туфлях на низких каблуках на каучуковой подошве, не производя никакого шума. Из-за низких каблуков в ее походке было что-то спортивное. 7. Он выпрямился, посмотрел через плечо, приподняв солнечные очки, чтобы лучше разглядеть улицу. 8. Он был высок, и надел сегодня свой синий в клетку костюм, в котором его волосы казались еще светлее. 9. На ней была юбка из гладкой материи, а пояс был украшен маленьким бантом. 10. Материи для женских и мужских костюмов использовались одни и те же: шелк, саржа, цветная тафта, атлас, бархат, золотая и серебряная парча; все это расшивалось жемчугом, украшалось вышивками, отделывалось мехом. 11. При дворе существовал обычай постоянно носить в левой руке перчатки из шелка или из матовой кожи.

1. Платок ее был окаймлен кружевами. 2. Ее костюм был сшит из индийского муслина и отделан серебряной вышивкой. На руках у нее были длинные перчатки. 3. В конце 18 века началось господство шалей и шарфов; их стали делать различных форм и размеров, длинные, квадратные; их носили на плечах, накинутыми на обнаженные руки, а концы их живописно развевались. 4. Длинные перчатки покрывали руки до плеч, они были без пуговиц, белых, соломенных и бледно-зеленоватых тонов. 5. Неуместно являться на прием, проходящий в первой половине дня, в платье с огромным декольте или блестках. 6. Под мужским вечерним костюмом сегодня понимают смокинг или пиджак. 7. Пара выглядит негармонично, если он одел в костюм и рубашку с галстуком, а она в шортах и майке с бахромой. 8. Для наряда невесты существуют бесчисленные варианты платьев, так же различны и аксессуары: шлейф, фата, венок или шляпа. 9. Я взял блузу и юбку Кумико и отправился на станцию, в химчистку. Когда я выложил на прилавок зеленую в цветочек блузку и юбку цвета шалфея, хозяин развернул вещи, быстро осмотрел их и написал на квитанции: блуза и юбка. 10. Я вышел из дома в зеленых хлопчатобумажных брюках, теннисных тапочках и желтой майке, выпущенной какой-то фирмой звукозаписи для поклонников Ван Халена. 11. Служащие опаздывали на работу. Утро было душным и влажным, но это никак не отражалось на их внешнем виде: все в аккуратных костюмах, аккуратных галстуках, аккуратных черных брюках. У каждого на лацкане значок его фирмы. 12. Я какое-то время стоял и рассеянно рассматривал обладателей костюмов и галстуков.

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