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UNIT 6 The Stock Exchange, Shares

As you know, shares sold by public limited companies can be listed on the stock exchange. The stock exchange is the centre of the stock market, where large quantities of capital are raised for companies and the government. This capital is raised in two ways: by selling shares to investors, which means that the investors become part-owners of the public limited company and by obtaining loans from investors.

These shares and loans are collectively known as securities. The stock exchange itself doesn’t own any securities; it is simply the market where securities are bought and sold.

There are stock exchanges in most capital cities. The principal Stock Exchange in Britain is located in the City of London; the New York Stock Exchange is located in and is known as Wall Street. The economic importance of stock exchanges is that they facilitate saving and investment, first, through making it possible for investors to dispose of securities quickly if they wish to do so, in channeling savings into productive investments. Successful work of stock exchanges requires that information should be available on existing securities and that should be both a legal framework and market rules to prevent fraud.

The stock exchange itself isn’t open to ordinary investors; instead, they have to buy shares via a stockbroker. Many banks and financial institutions offer this in return for a commission.

Newer and smaller companies trade on over-the-counter markets, such as the Unlisted Securities Market in London. Over-the-counter market is a network of security dealers who buy and sell securities from each other, either for their own account or for their retail clients. This market is conducted by telephone and computer reporting price quotations between brokerage firms.

Successful companies can apply to have their shares traded on the major stock exchanges, but in order to be quoted (GB) or listed (US) there, they have to fulfill a large number of requirements. One of these is to send their shareholders independently audited annual reports, including the year’s trading results and a statement of a company’s financial position.

Buying a share gives its holder part of ownership of a company. Shares generally entitle their owners to vote at company’s General Meetings, to elect company directors, to receive dividends. They can be sold at any time on the secondary market, but the market price of a share – the price quoted at any given time on the stock exchange, which reflects how well or badly the company is doing – may differ radically from its nominal value.

The stock market of each country has one or more share indexes. A share index is a group of shares chosen as a barometer of the movement of the market as a whole. This is useful for investors wishing to see how well their shares are doing compared with the rest of the market. Examples of the share indexes are: The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Share Index (known as “Footsie”) - the 100 largest companies listed on the British stock exchange. The most important US index is the Dow Jones Industrial Average - consists of 30 leading industrial companies in the USA.

At the London Stock Exchange, share transactions do not have to be settled until the account day or settlement day at the end of a two-week accounting period. This allows speculators to buy shares hoping to resell them at a higher price before they actually pay for them, or to sell shares, hoping to buy them back at a lower price.

list (v) - регистрировать на бирже (допускать к торговле на бирже – котировке)

to list shares on the stock exchange - регистрировать акции на бирже

listed company - компания, акции которой котируются на фондовой бирже

listing - допуск, котировка

stock exchange - фондовая биржа

to have a membership (a seat) on an exchange - быть членом биржи

to trade (sell, buy) on an exchange - проводить операции на бирже

to run an exchange - руководить деятельностью биржи

securities (n), pl. - ценные бумаги

gilt-edged securities (about bonds) - «золотообрезные» - первоклассные, особо надежные ценные бумаги (об облигациях)

blue chips (about shares) - «голубые фишки» - надежные акции

off-board securities - ценные бумаги, не зарегистрированные на бирже

facilitate (v) - облегчать, способствовать

dispose of smth.(v) - избавляться от чего-либо

legal framework - правовые рамки

fraud (n) - обман, жульничество

over-the-counter market - внебиржевой рынок (рынок, где сделка заключается за пределами фондовой биржи. На таких рынках обращаются меньшие объемы акций и облигаций, они не столь надежно гарантируют права инвесторов)

Unlisted Securities Market - рынок не котируемых ценных бумаг

retail client - мелкий клиент

conduct (v) - управлять, руководить

secondary market - вторичный рынок

nominal value - номинальная стоимость

to value - оценивать, производить оценку, устанавливать цену (в денежном эквиваленте) to value a painting at five thousand pounds - оценить картину в пять тысяч фунтов

to be valued at … - оцениваться в …

share index - индекс акции

share transactions have to be settled - сделки с акциями должны быть урегулированы, по ним должны окончательно рассчитаться

account day or settlement day - день окончательных расчетов

accounting period or an account - операционный период (биржевой цикл) на фондовой бирже

to start the account - начать операционный период (биржевой цикл)

end of the account - конец операционного периода

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 537 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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