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Exercise 9 a) Read and translate the dialogue

Walker: Good morning. This is Elaine Walker from Coopers. I’m calling to Stylehouse and I’d like to speak to someone in your accounts department.

Austin: Hello, Ed Austin here. How can I help?

W: I’m calling from Coopers about an overdue account. Shall I give you the details?

A: Yes, go ahead!

W: Our invoice number is 11299 and your purchase order number is XZ632.

A: I’ll just get the details up on my screen, wait a bit, please. Ah yes, Coopers. Can you confirm the amount outstanding?

W: It’s now ₤22,306. This includes interest we’ve added since last month.

A: That’s not the figure I have. This invoice is for ₤21,761.

W: You’ll notice that our terms are thirty days net. After that we add interest daily to all overdue accounts. ₤22,306 reflects that addition. We advised you of this in our last letter.

A: I’m not sure about this. I need to speak to my manager.

W: That’s okay, I’ll hold the line.

A few moments later …

Barton: Sarah Barton, Accounts Supervisor, I hear you have a problem with your account.

W: The problem we have with our account is that Stylehouse has not paid it! Can you tell me what the problem is and when we can expect payment?

B: I can’t see why you haven’t received payment already. I’ll need to look into this and get back to you. Can I take your number?

W: My number is 02086759463. I need your answer today, though. We’ve sent you three reminder letters so far and we will be taking further action if the account is not settled promptly.

B: I promise I’ll call you back before five p.m.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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