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Write to some ship brokers and ask them to charter a ship for loading of a cargo of oil; give them necessary particulars about port and time

Write a letter from a ship broker concerning the shipment to the USA and point out the need for speed because of the probable closing of certain ports due to ice.


1. Agree with the following statements. Enlarge upon the matter:

1) Every mode of transport has its own specific document.

2) The bill of lading serves to fulfil three main functions.

3) SAD replaces many of the existing customs forms.

4) If your line of business involves exporting or importing of goods, you will come into the contact with the Customs Authorities.

5) A common reason for violation of customs regulations has always been foreign currency.

6) The chartering of ships is a highly specialised business.

2. Discuss the following points:

3. Speak about:

4. Make up dialogues and act them in pairs:

1) between an interviewer and a Customs official working at the Customs Investigation Department;

2) between a customs officer and a passenger trying to carry out restricted and prohibited articles.

Unit XI


Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 457 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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