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V. Read the following paragraphs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of other methods of origination

Tints Where a flat area of colour is required, this is normally produced by the reproduction house using tints. A tint is not solid" ink, but made up from dots of the three process colours — yellow, magenta and cyan (black can also be used). The tint required is selected from a tint chart, which can be obtained from the reproduction house or printer, The client specifies the colour in percentages of yellow, magenta, cyan and black in this order, for example 90Y + 30M + 20C+ 10B.

Dot gain The term 'dot gain' describes an increase in the dot-size that can occur when printing takes place. Normally the dot on the film can be reproduced at almost exactly the same size on the metal printing plate, but in the printed version the size may have increased. This is a result of various factors, including the blanket, the machine, the inks and paper being used.

Under-colour removal Where a subject has a dark area, the four-colour process will normally reproduce this using large dots of all four colours, whereas an identical effect can be achieved using only one or two colours. When heavy dots of all four colours overprint each other, there are drying and other problems, and more ink is used than is necessary, To avoid this situation, the scanner can be set to remove most or all of the magenta and yellow in the dark areas, leaving mainly black, sometimes with some cyan to improve the density.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 214 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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