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Conversation 4

— At one time I had 50 people selling heroin in clubs around the city.

— Really? Didn’t you have any problem with the law 12?

— No, they were all bent 13 in those days. A bit of cash every month and they were happy.

— So why did you open the supermarkets?

— Originally it was a way to launder 14 the drugs money. In the end it became more interesting to be legitimate.

Ex. 7. Give the synonyms to the following words. Use these words and their synonyms in your own sentences.

negligence, breach (n, v), punishment, supplier, accept, fraud, guarantee (n, v), prohibit, caveat, caveat venditor, discharge (n, v), truthful

Ex. 8. Give the antonyms to the following words. Use these words and their opposites in your own sentences.

liable, protected, negligence, charge, breach, punishment, private, supplier, agreement, accept, truthful

Ex. 9. Give the Russian equivalents to the following:

1. consumer law is concerned with the rights of private individuals, 2. to impose punishment on traders, 3. to grow at an unprecedented rate, 4. relevant to consumer matters, 5. new legislation is passed every year, 6. the supplier is in breach of an agreement, 7. take the case to court; transaction in question, 8. take possession of the goods, 9. refuse the services, 10. reasonable in the circumstances, 11. goods are lost in delivery, 12. warnings to the customer, 13. no responsibility will be accepted, 14. insurance bills to cover legal cases, 15. to balance the interests of the consumer against those of the producer.

Read the texts. Make notes of their main points. Be ready to discuss them.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 263 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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