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Talking about corporate structure

A: You work for one of the major European chemical multinationals. Could you tell us a little about how your company is organized?

B: Yes, well two years ago we moved over to an American style structure with what we call the Board of Management headed by the Company President, then what we call the Corporate Staff division, which consists of ten divisions headed by ten Vice Presidents reporting directly to the Board of Management.

A: And what do each of these actually do?

B: As I said, there are ten Vice Presidents, each in charge of a division. These include Corporate Planning, Law. Patents and Insurance. I look after the patent section.

A: That's one division, Law, Patents and Insurance?

B: Yes, Law, Patents and Insurance, then Public Relations and a few others.

A:Such as?

B: Such as Finance, R and D...

A: Research and Development?


17 — 4-789

В: Yes, they're responsible for new product development and then there's Logistics, Environmental Protection...

A: Environmental Protection? I'm surprised.

B: Yes, our company is a leader in the field.

A: Really?

B: Yes. We can trace our first actions back to 1901, and our clean air committee first met in 1913. We're proud of that.

A: So you place a great deal of importance on environmental protection?

B: And at the highest levels, yes.

A: And what other divisions are there? Human Resources?

B: Yes, and... is that ten?

A: No, I don't think so.

B: No, where were we? There are ten... er... Finance, R and D, Logistics, Environmental Protection, Human Resources, Law, Patents and Insurance and Corporate Planning, of course, then Sales and Marketing and Plant Administration.

A: And a Vice President takes care of each of these?

B: That's right.

A: And below that?

B: Well, below that there are various departments that deal with the day-to-day running of the organization, the sales function, invoicing, distribution and so on.

A: I see. Well, thank you.

A) Complete the organigram below with the names of the divisions from the above interview.

B) Explain the corporate structure of a company you know well, draw an organigram and
describe its work relationships. Use words and expressions from the note below.
Note: The most common verbs for describing company structure are:
consist of is made up of

is composed of includes

contains is divided/split into

Other verbs used to describe company organisation include:
to be in charge of- бути відповідальним to be responsible for- бути
за відповідальним за

to support or to be supported by - підтримувати, допомагати to be accountable to - бути підзвітним

to assist or to be assisted by - допомагати,


C) Check yourself. Match the verbs in the box A to the prepositions in box B.

be headed by
be responsible after
be in charge to
be accountable into


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