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Ex. 4. Translate the sentences into Russian in a written form

1. The trial was taking place in the venerable old San Francisco Hall of Justice on Bryant Street. The building, which housed the Superior Court and County Jail, was a forbidding-looking edifice, seven stories high, made of square gray stone. Visitors arriving at the courthouse were funneled through electronic security checkpoints.

2. Upstairs, on the third floor, was the Superior Court. In Courtroom 121, where murder trials were held, the judge’s bench stood against the rear wall, with an American flag behind it. To the left of the bench was the jury box, and at the center were two tables separated by an aisle, one for the prosecuting attorney, the other for the defense attorney.

3. The courtroom was packed with reporters and the type of spectators attracted to fatal highway accidents and murder trials.

4. The trial was now in its fourth week. The spectators and press had found the prosecuting attorney and defense attorney fascinating to watch. Gus Venable was dressed in white and Alan Penn in black, and the two of them moved around the courtroom like players in a deadly, choreographed game of chess, with Paige Taylor the sacrificial pawn.

5. Judge Young had slammed her gavel down. «Objection sustained!» She turned to the two attorneys. «There will be a fifteen-minute recess. I want to see counsel in my chambers.» When they returned to the courtroom, Judge Young said to the jury, «The jury will completely disregard the prosecutor’s last question.» She turned to the prosecutor. «You may go on.»

Communicative Activities

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 442 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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