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VII. Read text II attentively and finish the statements choosing the best variant

1. The United Kingdom and Germany are the only other significant….

a) contributors at about 9 and 12% respectively although South Korea is growing.

b) contributors at about 6 and 7% respectively although South Korea is growing.

c) contributors at about 9 and 12% respectively although North Korea is growing.

2. Other applications for gold include…

a) decorative plating of jewellery, pens and pencils, frames and bathroom.

b) decorative plating of costume jewellery, watchcases, pens and pencils, spectacle frames and bathroom fittings.

c) decorative plating of costume jewellery, watchcases, spectacle frames.

3. Gold's ability to reflect heat in summer and help retain it in winter has also led to…

a)the use of glass coated with a thin film of gold in several modern buildings, especially in Russia; one ounce of gold covers typically one thousand square feet of glass.

b) the use of glass coated with a thin film of gold in several modern buildings, especially in the Ukraine; one ounce of gold covers typically one thousand square feet of glass.

c) the use of glass coated with a thin film of gold in several modern buildings, especially in North America; one ounce of gold covers typically one thousand square feet of glass.

4. The key reason behind the rise in the US dollar gold price in 2003 was…

a) the continued dehedging by customers and a surge in investment demand.

b) the continued dehedging by producers and a surge in investment demand.

c) the continued hedging by producers and a surge in investment demand.

5. The increase in the number of patents registered and … … bodes well for future demand.

a) decreased research for industrial applications for gold in areas such as nano-technology and catalytic converters

b) increased research for industrial applications for gold in areas such as space-technology and catalytic converters

c) increased research for industrial applications for gold in areas such as nano-technology and catalytic converters

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 238 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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