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High temperature (hyper pyrexia)

Hyper pyrexia is the word used to describe too high a body temperature, i.e., one of 40 °C or higher. Such temperatures can be dangerous to the survival of the individual and require careful management and nursing. The three main reasons for hyperpyrexia are heat exposure, infections that cause fever, and damage lo the part of the brain that controls body temperature.


Any person who has a temperature of 40 С or more MUST be cooled rapidly until the body temperature is below 39 °C. Tepid sponging is usually the easiest method. In addition, ice-packs or cold wet compresses may be applied to the forehead, armpits, and groin, and iced drinks given. The air-conditioning controls should be altered, and a fan should be used to increase air movement and evaporation from the skin.

If the brain centre that controls body temperature is damaged (in head injuries, with compression of the brain), heat regulation may be upset for many days. Patients thus affected sometimes need to be surrounded by ice packs or to have frequently changed cold-water bottles placed around them.

If possible get the patient into a bath or under a shower where the water is below normal body temperature. Otherwise, lay the patient down and proceed with a tepid sponge bath.

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II. Tell what should be taken into account in case of high temperature

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 328 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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