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Prevention of poisoning

Remember: Prevention is better than cure

Knowledge of the basic safety precautions and strict adherence to them by people working with dangerous goods, and also knowledge of the conventional labeling of these goods, play an important part in the prevention of poisoning.

For the handling of some dangerous goods, protective clothing (e.g. rubber or plastic gloves, aprons, boots) and breathing apparatus (compressed air system, smoke helmet) may be required and should be provided. They should be kept n board ship and be available at the workplace, regularly inspected and cleaned or replaced. Adequate washing and shower facilities for the workmen should be provided nearby.

In the event of leakage or spillage involving dangerous gas or fumes, the use of a gas detector is advised before a space is declared to be free. Gas masks will not provide complete protection, but may be used to aid escape. The place where a leakage has occurred should be immediately treated with an appropriate neutralizing substance and then covered with sand, which should afterwards be removed in a special container to a safe place.

Holds and closed spaces in which toxic vapours and gases could accumulate should be thoroughly ventilated, and a gas detector (not an explosimeter) used, before people are allowed to enter and also during cargo-handling operations. Places used for the storage of dangerous goods should be decontaminated, if necessary, after use and/or before reuse.

Dangerous goods should not be carried out or stored in proximity to other materials (particularly foodstuffs) that, as a result of contact with the dangerous goods, could cause illness or accidents (poisoning).

2. Answer the following questions

1. What are the main dangers concerning the chemicals?

2. How can the toxic chemicals affect the body?

3. What are the general principles in diagnosis of poisoning?

4. How can the poisoning be prevented?

3. Read, translate into Russian and retell the following text.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 320 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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