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Indigestion occurs when food fails to undergo the normal changes of digestion in the alimentary canal. It is a symptom and not a disease. Occasional indigestion may be of no consequence, but chronic indigestion may indicate such serious maladies as cancer or an ulcer.

The symptoms may include discomfort after eating, fullness in the upper stomach, bloating, belching, wind, heartburn, pain beneath the breastbone, nausea, headache, foul breath, coated tongue, constipation, or inability to sleep.

The causes of occasional attacks of acute indigestion are:

· overeating, excessive drinking or smoking, and eating irritating foods; going to bed just after having a heavy meal.

· emotional upset: the digestive secretions, intestinal peristalsis, and other functions of the digestive tract are disrupted if a person eats when angry, depressed, or emotionally upset.


For mild attacks of indigestion, aluminium hydroxide gel with magnesium hydroxide oral suspension, 15 ml, should be given every hour until the symptoms subside. If the patient is very distressed and has not vomited, vomiting should be induced. This may be accomplished by the patient touching the back of his throat with his finger or drinking 3-4 glasses of warm salty water (a teaspoonful of table salt to a glass). If severe pain is present, a hot-water bag should be applied to the upper abdomen.

For chronic indigestion, the diet should be lim­ited as far as possible to the foods that cause the least distress to the patient. The patient should be advised to eat slowly and chew his food thoroughly. Bowel regularity should be maintained. It is important to find the underlying cause of the indigestion because it may point to a very serious disease. The patient should be advised to consult a physician at the next port of call.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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