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List of Books on American Literature

1. W. Irving. Rip van Winkle

2. E.A. Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher

3. M. Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

4. J. London. Martin Eden

5. Th. Dreiser. An American Tragedy

6. E. Hemingway. A Farewell to Arms

7. F.S. Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby

8. W. Faulkner. Light in August

9. E.O. Neill. Long Day’s Journey Into Night

10. T. Williams. Streetcar Named Desire

11. J. Steinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath

12. J. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye

13. K. Vonnegut. Cat’s Cradle

14. J. Baldwin. Stories

15. T. Morrison. Song of Solomon

Exam questions on American literature

1. Early American and colonial period.

2. Revolutionary literature. The American Enlightenment.

3. The creative work of W. Irving.

4. The creative work of J. F. Cooper.

5. The Romantic period. Transcendentalism.

6. The creative work of E.A. Poe.

7. Realism in American literature.

8. The creative work of S. Clemens.

9. The creative work of H. James.

10. The creative work of Th. Dreiser.

11. Modernism in U.S. literature.

12. The creative work of E. Hemingway.

13. The creative work of J. Steinbeck.

14. 20th century American drama.

15. The creative work of E. O’Neill.

16. The American literature of the second half of the 20th century.

17. The creative work of J.D. Salinger.

18. The creative work of J. Updike.

19. The creative work of T. Morrison.

20. Contemporary American literature.

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