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// needs winsock.h in the precompiled headers

typedef const struct sockaddr* LPCSOCKADDR;

class CBlockingSocketException: public CException




// Constructor

CBlockingSocketException(char* pchMessage);


~CBlockingSocketException() {}

virtual BOOL GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpstrError, UINT nMaxError,

PUINT pnHelpContext = NULL);


int m_nError;

CString m_strMessage;


extern void LogBlockingSocketException(LPVOID pParam, char* pch, CBlockingSocketException* pe);

class CSockAddr: public sockaddr_in {


// constructors


{ sin_family = AF_INET;

sin_port = 0;

sin_addr.s_addr = 0; } // Default

CSockAddr(const SOCKADDR& sa) { memcpy(this, &sa, sizeof(SOCKADDR)); }

CSockAddr(const SOCKADDR_IN& sin) { memcpy(this, &sin, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); }

CSockAddr(const ULONG ulAddr, const USHORT ushPort = 0) // parms are host byte ordered

{ sin_family = AF_INET;

sin_port = htons(ushPort);

sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ulAddr); }

CSockAddr(const char* pchIP, const USHORT ushPort = 0) // dotted IP addr string

{ sin_family = AF_INET;

sin_port = htons(ushPort);

sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(pchIP); } // already network byte ordered

// Return the address in dotted-decimal format

CString DottedDecimal()

{ return inet_ntoa(sin_addr); } // constructs a new CString object

// Get port and address (even though they're public)

USHORT Port() const

{ return ntohs(sin_port); }

ULONG IPAddr() const

{ return ntohl(sin_addr.s_addr); }

// operators added for efficiency

const CSockAddr& operator=(const SOCKADDR& sa)

{ memcpy(this, &sa, sizeof(SOCKADDR));

return *this; }

const CSockAddr& operator=(const SOCKADDR_IN& sin)

{ memcpy(this, &sin, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));

return *this; }

operator SOCKADDR()

{ return *((LPSOCKADDR) this); }

operator LPSOCKADDR()

{ return (LPSOCKADDR) this; }

operator LPSOCKADDR_IN()

{ return (LPSOCKADDR_IN) this; }


// member functions truly block and must not be used in UI threads

// use this class as an alternative to the MFC CSocket class

class CBlockingSocket: public CObject




SOCKET m_hSocket;

CBlockingSocket() { m_hSocket = NULL; }

void Cleanup();

void Create(int nType = SOCK_STREAM);

void Close();

void Bind(LPCSOCKADDR psa);

void Listen();

void Connect(LPCSOCKADDR psa);

BOOL Accept(CBlockingSocket& s, LPSOCKADDR psa);

int Send(const char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);

int Write(const char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);

int Receive(char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);

int SendDatagram(const char* pch, const int nSize, LPCSOCKADDR psa,

const int nSecs);

int ReceiveDatagram(char* pch, const int nSize, LPSOCKADDR psa,

const int nSecs);

void GetPeerAddr(LPSOCKADDR psa);

void GetSockAddr(LPSOCKADDR psa);

static CSockAddr GetHostByName(const char* pchName,

const USHORT ushPort = 0);

static const char* GetHostByAddr(LPCSOCKADDR psa);

operator SOCKET()

{ return m_hSocket; }


class CHttpBlockingSocket: public CBlockingSocket




enum {nSizeRecv = 1000}; // max receive buffer size (> hdr line length)



int ReadHttpHeaderLine(char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);

int ReadHttpResponse(char* pch, const int nSize, const int nSecs);


char* m_pReadBuf; // read buffer

int m_nReadBuf; // number of bytes in the read buffer


Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 262 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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