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Exercise 2. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the wrong sentences according to the text

1. The latest achievements in superconductivity mean a revolution in technology and industry.

2. Superconductors were once thought to be physically impossible. 3. The achievements in superconductivity cannot be compared with the discoveries that led to electronics and nuclear power. 4. The electrical resistivity of a mercury wire disappears when cooled below 4 K.

5. A superconductivity material cannot be returned to the normal state. 6. Landau and Ginzburg introduced a model which was useful in understanding electromagnetic properties of superconductors. 7. Scientists from IBM found a ceramic material that became a superconductor at a temperature of 23 K. 8. Potential technical uses of high temperature superconductivity are unlikely to be possible and practical.

Exercise 3. Make a sentence out of the two parts:

1. Recent achievements in 1. fundamental theory to explain this unexpected

superconductivity research are phenomenon.

2. they may be compared with 2. found the electrical resistivity of mercury to

disappear when cooledto the temperature of4


3. Superconductivity is known to 3. to the development of superconductivity theory.

4. While carrying out his low 4. have been discovered by a Dutch physicist.

temperature research he

5. For 50 years after the discovery 5. of great importance for science and technology.

there was no

6. In the 1950s Russia and American 6. since the discovery of a superconductive metallic

physicists made a great contribution ceramics

7. Research in the field of 7. physics discoveries that led to the development

superconductivity became especially of electronics and nuclear power.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 1426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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