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Text A. Sources of power

The industrial progress of mankind is based on power: power for industrial plants, machines, heating and lighting systems, transport, communication. In fact, one can hardly find a sphere where power is not required.

At present most of the power required is obtained mainly from two sources. One is from the burning of fossil fuels, i. e. coal, natural gas I and oil. The second way of producing electricity is by means of genera­tors that get their power from steam or water turbines. Electricity so pro­duced then flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial plants, enterprises, etc.

It should be noted, however, that the generation of electricity by these conventional processes is highly uneconomic. Actually, only about 40 per cent of heat in the fuel is converted into electricity. Besides, the world resources of fossil fuels are not ever-lasting. On the other hand, the power produced by hydroelectric plants, even if increased many times, will be able to provide for only a small fraction of the power re­quired in the near future. Therefore much effort and thought is being given to other means of generating electricity.

One is the energy of hot water. Not long ago we began utilizing hot underground water for heating and hot water supply, and in some cases, for the generation of electricity.

Another promising field for the production of electric power is the use of ocean tides. Our engineers are engaged in designing tidal power stations of various capacities. The first station utilizing this principle be­gan operating in Russia on the Barents Sea in 1968.

The energy of the sun which is being used in various ways repre­sents a practically unlimited source.

Using atomic fuel for the production of electricity is highly promis­ing. It is a well-known fact, that one pound of uranium contains as much energy as three million pounds of coal, so cheap power can be provided wherever it is required. However, the efficiency reached in gen­erating power from atomic fuel is not high, namely 40 per cent.

No wonder, therefore, that scientists all over the world are doing their best to find more efficient ways of generating electricity directly from the fuel. They already succeeded in developing some processes which are much more efficient, as high as 80 per cent, and in creating a number of devices capable of giving a higher efficiency. Scientists are hard at work trying to solve these and many other problems.


i. е. (лат. id est) = that is — то есть

on the other hand — с другой стороны;

on the one hand — с одной стороны

to do one's best — делать все возможное

hard at work — упорно работают (трудятся)

besides — кроме, кроме того

however — однако

capable — способный

means — средство;

by means o f —посредством
capacity — мощность

case — случай

namely — а именно

cheap — дешевый

oil — нефть
conventional — стандартный, обычный

per cent — процент

convert — превращать

reach — достигать
efficiency — производительность, к.п.д.

represent —представлять

effort — усилие

require — требовать

engaged — занятый

source — источник

enterprise — предприятие

succeed (in) — удаваться

flow — течь

tide — морской прилив и отлив

fuel — топливо

try — стараться

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