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Exercise 2.Озаглавьте текст

We now use the term automation for specific tech­niques combined to operate automatically in a complete system. These techniques are possible because of electron­ic devices, most of which have come into use in the last thirty years. They include program, action, sensing or feedback, decision, and control elements as components of a complete system.

The program elements determine what the system does and the step-by-step manner in which it works to produce the desired result. A program is a step-by-step sequence that breaks a task into its individual parts. Some steps in an industrial automation program direct other parts of the system when and how to carry out their jobs.

The action elements are those which do the actual work. They may carry or convey materials to specific plac­es at specific times or they may perform operations on the materials. The term mechanical handling device is also used for the action elements.

Perhaps the most important part of an automated sy­stem is sensing or feedback. Sensing devices automatical­ly check on parts of the manufacturing process such as the thickness of a sheet of steel or paper. This is called feedback because the instruments return or feed back this information to the central system control.

The decision element is used to compare what is going on in the system with what should be going on; it receives information from the sensing devices and makes decisions necessary to maintain the system correctly. If some action is necessary the decision element can give instructions or commands to the system.

The control element consists of devices to carry out the commands of the decision element. They may be many kinds of devices: valves that open or close, switches that control the flow of electricity, or regulators that change the voltage in various machines; they make the necessary corrections or adjustments to keep the system in conform­ity with its program.

An industrial engineer working with automated sys­tems is part of a team. Many components of the system, such as computers, are electronic devices so electronic engineers and technicians are also involved. Many of the industries in which automation has proved particularly suitable — chemicals, papermaking, metals processing— involve chemical processes, so there may be chemical en­gineers at work too. An industrial engineer with expertise in all these fields may become a systems engineer for automation projects thereby coordinating the activities of all the members of the team.

Exercise 3.Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What are some elements of an automated system? 2. What is a program? What does it do in an automated system? 3. Name two terms used to describe the elements which do the actual work. What are some jobs these elements may do? 4. What are some of the things sensing devices do? 5. How do sensing devices act on the information they receive? Why the process is sometimes called feedback? 6. What is the func­tion of the decision element? What can it do? 7. What does the control element consist of? What can these devices do? What is their purpose?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 931 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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