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Текст 5

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Hardware /Part 1/

A digital computer's hardware is a complex system of four functionally different elements—a central processing unit, input devices, memory-storage devices, and output devices—linked by a communication network, or bus. The bus is usually incorporated into the main circuit board, called the motherboard, which is plugged into all the other components.

The heart of a computer is the central processing unit (CPU). In addition to performing arithmetic and logic operations on data, it times and controls the rest of the system. Mainframe and supercomputer CPUs sometimes consist of several linked microchips, called microprocessors, each of which performs a separate task, but most other computers require only a single microprocessor as a CPU. A very fast clock times and regulates a CPU. Every tick, or cycle, of the clock causes each part of the CPU to begin its next operation and to stay synchronized with the other parts. The faster the CPU's clock, the faster the computer can perform its tasks.

Most CPUs have three functional sections:

(1) the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic operations (such as addition and subtraction) and logic operations (such as testing a value to see if it is true or false);

(2) temporary storage locations, called registers, which hold data, instructions, or the intermediate results of calculations; and

(3) the control section, which times and regulates all elements of the computer system and also translates patterns in the registers into computer activities (such as instructions to add, move, or compare data).

Components known as input devices let users enter commands, data, or programs for processing by the CPU. Computer keyboards, which are much like typewriter keyboards, are the most common input devices. Information typed at the keyboard is translated into a series of binary numbers that the CPU can manipulate.

Another common input device, the mouse, is a mechanical or optical device with buttons on the top and either a rolling ball or an optical sensor in its base. To move the cursor on the display screen, the user moves the mouse around on a flat surface. The user selects operations, activates commands, or creates or changes images on the screen by pressing buttons on the mouse.

Other input devices include joysticks and trackballs. Light pens can be used to draw or to point to items or areas on the display screen. A sensitized digitizer pad translates images drawn on it with an electronic stylus or pen into a corresponding image on the display screen. Touch-sensitive display screens allow users to point to items or areas on the screen and to activate commands. Optical scanners “read” characters or images on a printed page and translate them into binary numbers that the CPU can use. Voice-recognition circuitry digitizes spoken words and enters them into the computer.

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты.

  аппаратное обеспечение  
  центральный процессор  
  устройства ввода информации  
  память ЭВМ  
  устройства вывода информации  
  монтажная /печатная/ плата  
  материнская плата  
  синхронизировать по времени  
  арифметико-логическое устройство  
  регистр запоминающего устройства  
  устройство управления  
  экран дисплея  
  джойстик /координатная ручка/  
  шаровой манипулятор  
  световое перо  
  кодирующий планшет  
  перо для ввода данных  
  сенсорный дисплей  
  схема распознавания голоса  

3. Письменно переведите первый и второй абзац текста.

4. Заполните таблицы, используя информацию из текста.

Functional sections of CPU

  Section Functions

Input devices

  Device Description

5. Расскажите о центральном процессоре и устройствах ввода информации, опираясь на таблицы.

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