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Text E Ukrainian Music

The real development of musical education in Ukraine be­gan in the 19th century with the opening of a music schoolinKyiv in 1868. In 1883, it became a music high school. Such schools were opened in other towns as Odesa, Poltava, Kharkiv. Conservatories were opened in Kyiv and Odesa in 1913. The music and drama school was founded in Kyiv in 1904 by M Lysenko. In a year the M. Lysenko Music Institute was opened in Lviv. They played an important part in the training of national musicians.

The best representatives of the Ukrainian musical culture were well-known artists as the conductor 0. Koshyts, the sing­ers S. Krushelnytska, M. Sadovska, the composers K Stetsenko and L. Revutsky. The first permanent opera theatre in Ukraine was opened in Odesa in 1809. The Kyiv and Kharkiv opera companies were organized later.

The Drama Theatre (1882) greatly influenced the develop­ment of Ukrainian music. From the beginning of the 19th cen­tury the Ukrainian theatre was associated with folk song and dance culture. Folk music became an important dramatic com­ponent in the plays of this period ("Natalka Poltavka", "Nazar Stodolya", etc.) National opera developed under the influence of the Ukrainian music-drama theatre.

The choir activities of M Lysenko, which continued during almost his entire musical career, played an important part in the history of Ukrainian choral culture. He conducted the stu­dents' choir of Kyiv University.

The most consistent followers of the traditions set by M. Lysenko were the composers Stetsenko, Stepovy and Leontovych.

Many famous Russian composers, such as M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Musorgsky, wrote music on Ukrainian themes.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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